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(Y/n) P.O.V

Its now Monday morning. I get up put on the school uniform and eat breakfast. "Hey (Y/n), how was the sleepover?" Mom asks sitting in the living room. "It was...good!" I respond carefully thinking over my words. "Anyways mom I got to go to school. Talk to you later!" I exclaim walking out the door. As I was walking "hey (Y/n). Mind if we walk with you?" A voice said. I turn around to see Aph Garroth Travis and Katelyn. "Oh hey guys. No I don't mind at all!" I reply waving. We all walk to school together. But something was different I don't know how to describe it but it felt off. "Does something seem...I don't know, different to you guys?" Aph questions looking around. "Yeah your right." Katelyn mumbles. "OMG NO WAY!" A girl yelled. She ran over to me. "I LOVE YOUR SINGING SO MUCH!" The random girl squealed. "Huh?" I say confused. "This video of you and another guy singing!" She squeals again. I look at the video. It was when me and Laurence were at the singing competition. "WHAT!!! How do you know that's me!" I question. "Because you 2 look exactly the same! And I've heard you sing before just not like that!" The girl exclaimed. I was in utter shock. Who posted that. I look at the views. "OVER 10 MILLION VIEWS!!!" I scream. "Yeah your awesome!!" She yells walking away giggling. All of a sudden we hear a bunch of girls squeal. "OMG ITS LAURENCE!!" They all shout rushing over to him. "That doesn't seem like a normal Laurence fan club!" Garroth exclaims. I walk over. "Hey what's going on?" I whisper to Laurence. "Apparently they saw me sing on YouTube?" He whispers back trying to escape the tsunami of girls. "Oh ok so they figured us both out ok. You know that video has over 10 million views." I say casually pulling him to our group. "10. MILLION!" He yells. I nod. "Omg are they dating?" "Why would Laurence date her?" "Isn't she the one who sang with him?" "No way has to be someone else." I heard girls whisper. Then Ivy and her gang came over. "So Laurence...I heard you singing~" she says grabbing his arm. I kinda sorta twitched a little. "I think your amazing~ we should totally go out sometime~" she says trying to be sexy. She puts on leg around his waist. "Uh." He mutters looking at her like she's crazy. "That won't be necessarily." I grumble pushing ivy off Laurence. "What? You're not dating him or anything." She smirks at me. "Heh listen here ivy, and listen well. Laurence doesn't have the time to be listening to you talk about how you fucked john or something last week. He doesn't need to here you bully. He doesn't need to here you be a slut. Or a hoe or a whore. And he definitely doesn't need to waste his time being sexually harassed by you." I say pushing her further away from my group of friends. "Oooohhh" Katelyn Aph Laurence Travis and Garroth all mumbled. "Grrr you little. Hmph I bet your just jealous because you know that Laurence will never love you." She smiles deviously. I'm guessing she was expecting me to look shocked but I just smirked at her. "Hey Laurence, I love you." I say kissing him. "Please, you really think confessing now will-" "I love you too babe." Laurence interrupts ivy. "Babe?!" Ivy exclaimed. "Oh did you not know? Me and Laurence are dating!" I have a smug smile on my face. "Ugh whatever!" Ivy yells marching away. "HAHAHAHA HER FACE WAS PRICELESS!!" Garroth says laughing. "Hey Laurence~" a group of girls came up to Laurence. "So you're still single right?" One said. "Can I be your girlfriend?" Another one asked. I face palm. "Sorry ladies but I already have a girlfriend." Laurence says putting his arm around me. "Who?" A girl said looking around. Laurence rolls his eyes and kisses me. I kiss him back. We break apart after like 30 seconds. "Ew" one girl mumbled. "Why her?!" Another said. I roll my eyes. "Hey! Don't go back talking her like that understand!" Laurence yelled. Everyone shook their head and ran off. "What are we going to do?! We've become internet famous!" I growl frustrated. "I'm still curious how that video ended up on the internet?" Garroth bluntly says. "Well anyone could have-" I stop and look at Katelyn. "It was you." I accuse and point at her. "What are you talking about?" Katelyn smirks. "You were video taping us weren't you?!" I exclaim. "Fine...yes I was." She mumbles. "Why you..." Laurence grabbed my shirt. "No." He said poking my nose. I look at Katelyn and smirk. We walk over to where only me Katelyn Laurence Aph Travis and Garroth could talk in private. "So Katelyn. Little did you know that i too was recording." I slyly say looking at her. She looks surprised. "Your bluffing." She growls. "Check on YouTube." She did. "Right there." I point to the video. "When?!" She yells. "Oh like 2 minutes ago." I exclaim. She starts chasing me. "You know you love me!" I shout hiding behind Laurence. "Travis are you ok with this?!" Katelyn shouts. Travis nods. Katelyn just growls and continues to chase me. "Hey my pain is your pain! Deal with it! By this time tomorrow you'll be as famous as us!!" I yell. I then jump up on Laurence's back. "PROTECT ME!!" I squeal. Laurence just chuckles. "I don't mind. But won't they think me and Katelyn are dating?" Travis asks puzzled. "Maybe." I say casually. Katelyns face goes bright red. "W-what?!" She stutters. "Oohhh does someone have a crush?" Laurence teases. "K-Katelyn have a c-crush on m-m-me?" Travis mutters blushing. "Yeah didn't she say at the sleepover?" Garroth questioned. "She sure did~" I mumble. "I-I uhhh-" Katelyn looks at Travis desperately, Travis gave her a comforting smile. Then some gears clicked. "No fucking way!" I shout. Travis looks at me and I give him a devious smile. He then looks at Katelyn worried. "So~" I say slyly. Katelyn looks up at me. "When did you 2 get together?" I question resting my chin on Laurence's back considering he is still piggy backing me. "What are y-you talking about?" Travis responds looking away. "What?!" Laurence and Garroth yell. "I was suspicious of you 2 after Katelyn confessed at the sleepover. But just a minute ago when Katelyn didn't know what to do she turned to you Travis desperately wanting your help and Travis just smiled signalling that everything would be alright." I explain. They both look at me then each other. "Fine. You caught us." Katelyn muttered. "Wow." Garroth said in awe. "I can't believe you figured that out by there face expressions." Laurence smiled looking up at me. "Well her mom did always say she could read people easily." Aph interrupted. All of a sudden Kawaii~chan came over to us. "Hi guys. Kawaii~chan has a question for Katelyn~sama." Kawaii~chan exclaimed. "Shoot." Katelyn says turning to her. "Well is Katelyn~sama and Travis~kun dating? Kawaii~chan saw the video." Kawaii~chan asked. She looked like she desperately needed the answer. "Uh well I guess we should just tell her. Yes we are." Katelyn mumbles. Kawaii~chan looks like she might explode. "YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYY!" She squeals. Everyone else in our group comes over. "What's wrong?!" Cadenza questions worried. "She's being fangirly Kawaii~chan." Aph mumbles. "Oh, you didn't say...anything did you?" Aaron muttered. "Say anything about what?" I ask interrupting there conversation. "Nothing!" Aph and Aaron shout at the same time. "Suspicious..." I whisper. Zane walks over. "Who broke Kawaii~chan this time?" He says casually. Meanwhile Kawaii~chan is still screaming. "I don't know! Why are you so calm!?" Lucinda yells. Zane sighs. "Fine I'll help." He mumbles. He goes to Kawaii~chan and grabs her hand. Kawaii~chan doesn't scream as loud. Zane rolled his eyes. He knelt down, pulled down his mask and kissed her. Kawaii~chan froze. Zane pulled away and walked off somewhere else. Everyone stared at him as he walked away. "Kawaii~chan?" Nicole mumbled. Kawaii~chan just stood up and stood beside Aaron and Aph. "Anyway..." she smiled. "So why did you freak out?" Dante asked confused. "Oh that's because Katelyn~sama and Travis~kun are dating!" She squealed. Everyone turned to them in shock. "Heh." Travis chuckled nervously. "Hey have you seen the video of them singing together?" I ask smirking. "There's a video??" Dante yelled. I nod, everyone goes onto there phone. Meanwhile, "OMG ITS LAURENCE!!" A bunch of fan girls ran over to us. "So where's your girlfriend?" "It isn't her is it?" "Ew why would he date trash like her?" I bet she's a broke ass bitch." "I bet she doesn't even have any talent." All the girls started mumbling. "Excuse me?!" I shout jumping off Laurence's back. They look at me and giggle. "Why would he date you anyway?" A girl said stepping up to me. "Well I don't see anyone else good enough for him do you?" I smirk. "Ooohhh" he says in the back. "I bet he's only dating you for the money. I know you live on the rich kids street little miss princess!" She smiles evilly at me. "First of all I ain't no mother fucking princess. Second of all he lives right beside me, so if I'm little miss princess, he's little mr prince!" I sassily say flipping my hair behind my shoulder. She gasps. "Is this true babe?" She says grabbing his hand. "Babe?" I question. He looks at me worried. I wink. "Hey I thought I told you not to do that she's right there!" He whispers. I have a plan. "Laurence? Your cheating on me?" I mumble. "No he's cheating on me! But I don't mind, just break up with this bitch!" She yells hugging him. I grab her hair and yank her back in front of me. "You have no talent. I bet you rigged the microphone in the video to make your voice sound better!" She yells. "Oh really? Wanna have a sing off?" I smirk. "Winner gets Laurence!" She yells again. I nod. We grab 3 teachers to be judge. Mr.teacher the vocals teacher. Ms.marth the math teacher. And Coach Corey the gym instructor. "You first." I smile. "Fine." She scoffs she chooses her song and starts to sing...(just realized this chapter is gonna be super long...)

"Wow she was good!" Laurence whispers. "Yep" I mumble. "What are we gonna do?!" He whisper yells. "What you don't believe in me? Look Laurence she was good but if you listened to the way she sang that, there wasn't any real emotions in it. Plus it was really...sexual." I explain. "Yeah but who's gonna know what's real and what's not." Laurence mumbles. "The vocals teacher. He knows how a real singer sounds." I say staring at mr.teacher. Ms. Marth gave this girl a 8, coach Corey gave this girl a 7 and mr.teacher gave this girl a 4. "Just as I thought." I whisper. "That's a total of 19/30 miss Bianca." Ms.marth said. Bianca walks over "beat that bitch." She whispers. I walk over. "Sing when ready." Coach Corey mutters looking around. (Uh watch the video!)

Once I finish I see Bianca in awe. I get a 10 from mr.teacher and the rest of the teachers. "WHAT SHE GOT PERFECT?!" Bianca threw a hissy fit. "I should probably tell you something, Where I came from. I was a singing legend!" I smirk. "That also means that you have to tell your little posey the truth!" I smile. "Truth?" She questions. "You never dated Laurence. I should know!" I smile. She growls. "Is this true?" One of the fangirls said. She nods. All of a sudden a new wave a fangirls came in. "Omg I totally ship them!" "There so cute together!" Please tell me they're dating!" Every girl mumbled. "Um hi?" I say confused. They look at me and Laurence and attack us with questions.
What have we come to?

There guys I finally got the chapter out! Sorry it was a day late. I was having some family problems being sorted out and didn't get home till 12:00 (midnight) so I was dead ass tired! Anyway hope you enjoyed STAY FABULOUS~💜

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