Pesky Neighbor

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(Y/n) P.O.V

Finally I'm home! I rush in the house, "mom I'm home!" I say. I here a faint "hello dear, how was the first day?" "Pretty good, but there's some annoying people there." I reply. "There always is." Mother says walking towards me. "Ok mom I'm gonna go to my room-" "wait a minute I have surprises!" She cuts me off. All of a sudden I see 2 German Shepards run towards me. "Gigi! Cameron!" I scream as they knock me over. "Yeah they got here right after you left." She says with a goofy smile. "I missed you guys so much!" I yell as I hug the 2 dogs. "Ok, now I'm going to my room!" I exclaim as the dogs follow me. "Ok dinner is in 2 hours!" Mom yells from downstairs. I walk into my newly decorated room and sit on my bed. Oh Gigi and Cameron join me as well, there such great dogs. Not to mention mom trains police dogs so once these 2 were trained, they listened to everyone in the family. But there also very sweet and kind. All of a sudden I get a text, "unknown?" I whisper

?-unknown  Y-you
?-oh right you don't have my number, it's me Katelyn!
Y-oh hey Katelyn what's up!
?-do you wanna come over, maybe help me with homework?!
Y-*sighs* sure why not I'll be over in a minute, can I bring my dogs?
?-sure I love dogs!
Y-k bye
End of conversation
"Gigi Cameron lets go." I command as the dogs follow closely behind. "Mom I'm going to a friends!" I scream and walk out the door before she asks a million questions.

~Time Skip~

Finally at Katelyn's."Hello? Katelyn it's me
(Y/n)!" I yell as I knock on the door. I stand there for a couple seconds..."hey (Y/n) come in!" She says letting me in. "Gigi, Cameron come." I say as they look around Katelyn's house. "Ooh doggies, are they friendly?" Katelyn asks curiously. "One sec, Gigi, Cameron, this is a friend not enemy." I point to Katelyn, as soon as I said 'friend' there tails started wagging they looked at Katelyn then jumped on her. "Ahhhhh your dogs are showering me in kisses!!" She screams. "Haha so weren't we suppose to do homework?" I ask. "Oh yeah follow me." She says walking up the stairs. Once we get there she leads me to a blue room with lots of posters. "Nice room." I compliment. "Thanks...hey I heard you and Laurence got into a little fight?" She casually says strolling over to her bed and taking a seat. "Ugh, I don't wanna talk about it."
I say really annoyed. "I also heard you proved him wrong about something? Is that true?" She questions. "I guess, he just called me a bad singer that's all." I mumble. "Ohhh ok well lets do this homework shall we?" Katie says opening her math book. "Fine..."

~Time Skip~

Almost home, here, finally..."mom I'm home!" I yell as the dogs rush over to there food bowls. "Hello dear, dinner is finished, it's on the counter eat it where ever." She says going back on her laptop. "Mm k" I mumble as I grab a plate of food and walk to my room. I finish eating and just think about that voice in my head from earlier. "If it weren't for you she'd still be alive." That's what the voice said. I knew exactly what about too. I walk out to my balcony and I didn't realize this before but I have a piano out here...WHAT?! Hmmmm what to do, what to do. "I'll just play and sing, that'll get my mind off of things." I say strolling over to the piano. And I begin to play...

Laurence's P.O.V

"Finally done that homework!" I say to myself. I just plop on my bed,"what to do, eh I guess I'll just sit on the balcony." I exclaim as I walk out and sit in a chair just staring at the starring sky. Then all of a sudden I here faint piano music and...singing? I get up and walk to the side of my balcony. I look over to see my neighbor singing as they play piano but the voice sounds familiar, I listen for a bit longer and realize it's (Y/n). She finishes singing and I think she noticed me. "Ahhhh, h-how long have you b-been there?" She nervously questions. "Long enough..." I smirk. She glares at me. "Gigi,Cameron, see him, enemy not friend!" She shouts. Then all of a sudden I see 2 German shepards jump off her balcony and into my backyard. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I question as they start barking and growling at me. "Hmph!" She says jumping down from her balcony and into my backyard as well. She just stands in between the 2 dogs then smirks. "I'll be right back." She says her dogs follow her.
~A Couple Minutes Later~
"Hi there!" Says a voice. I turn around to see (Y/n) and her 2 dogs right behind me. "H-hi what's up." I stutter. Then I jump off my balcony and make a run for it. "Chase." (Y/n) commands and her dogs chase me down to the river. "Hi again, Gigi push!" She says and then one of the dogs pushed me and I stumble backwards into the water. "HAHA THAT WAS HILARIOUS." (Y/n) bursts out laughing. "Cameron, fetch!" She says pointing to me. Then the other dog jumps in and drags me out of the river. "Good doggies!" She excitedly says. "Acquaintance, not enemy." She says pointing to me again. The dogs sit on either side of her.
"Why were you watching me?"  (Y/n) says walking closer to me. "I wasn't I swear, I just heard you singing that all." I squeal. "I thought I sucked?" She sasses. "About that you never let me explain!" I protest. "Ok then...explain." She grumbles. "I was purposely trying to get you mad so I wouldn't have to sing with you, I wanted to know how well you could sing without someone else." I explain standing up. "And when you sent aph after me and then said you didn't care?" She growls. "I knew you were really upset, you almost started crying when you were singing." I explain again. Her dogs growl at me. "Uh huh, so did you ever think that maybe saying that you didn't give any care in the world about me what so ever wouldn't make me even more upset?" She questions. "I figured you'd be alright without my good looks." I smirk. She raises her eyebrows looks at her dogs. Then pushes me back into the water. "Ok Casanova, you done now?" She yells from the edge of the river. I climb out and nod my head. "Good." She exclaims. "So are we cool now, your not mad at me?" I ask standing up...again.

(Y/n) P.O.V
"So are we cool now, your not mad at me?" Laurence asks standing up for the second time. "Hmmmm...not just yet." I say before pushing him into the water one last time. Once he comes up from under the water he grabs my feet and drags me in, "Cameron help!!" I scream before going under water. Thankfully Cameron came and dragged me out. "Thank you, thank you, thank you...your such good doggies." I say sitting in the stone path way. Laurence hops up beside me. "Ok now we're cool." I say looking at him. He looks back. "Good." He says looking at the sky. "I didn't expect the night to end like this." I say leaning back on my 2 hands. "Me neither." Laurence says. "Today was definitely crazy." I think to myself. Totally crazy...

HA WHO THOUGHT THEY WOULD KISS?! Nope no kissing, you just made ou- I mean made up after a huge fight. (I'm kidding no making out either) but what will happen next, what happened to angel. Who knows?!? (me) chapter 5 will be out soon. STAY FABULOUS ~💜

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