Auditions and The Shadow Knights

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(Y/n) P.O.V

It's now lunch and me, Katelyn, Aph, Kawaii~chan, and Lucinda are planning to meet up at Katelyns house tonight to pick a song. "Hey um (Y/n), isn't that your sister?" Aph says nervously pointing to shadow. "Yeah..why?" I say confused. "S-she's in the shadow knight gang!" Aph cries out. I look at her puzzled. "Who?" I question. "The shadow knight gang is just a group of law breakers and bullies!" Laurence exclaims. "There is no way in hell that THOSE people are my sisters 'friends'!" I shout. I was about to get up but right on que that group came over to aph. "Hi kitty." Said a male with black hair and teal eyes. I see shadow hiding behind a girl. "Shadow get your ass out here!" I yell. She shyly comes out and I glare at her. "I thought you were better than this scum, pieces of trash, there just bullies! Is that what you want!" I say standing up getting closer to her. "W-well I'm a part of the gang now!" She says backing up. "And how do you think that's gonna turn out. They'll use you then throw you away, you've turn into garbage like them! What would Mom think,dad? Heck what would angel think?!" I say screaming at her. She looks at me and then that look turned into a glare. "ITS YOUR FAULT!! SHES GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" Shadow yells in my face. "And you motivated her to do it you know. Because you had friends like this, that's why she's gone. I just couldn't get to her before you corrupt little twerps did." I say standing back. The whole school was looking at us. "You still think these people are your friends?" I ask she looks at the gang. Then nods. They have corrupt smiles on there face. "Fine, hang out with your bullies, oh and don't talk to me ok? I don't want rotten meat talking to me or my friends again...or mother finds out." I demand. She looks scared then stands up straight and pushes me or tries. "Fine, your not worth my time anyway." She snarls. "I thought I told you not to talk to me, now scram!" I shout. She runs off. "Hey listen here girly, I don't know what your deal is but no one disses us and gets away with it!" Says the black haired man. "Uh huh is that so? Whatcha gonna do bully me? Ooohhh I'm so scared." I fake. "Listen here, we will get our revenge! Wolfie!" He says walking away. "Hey that's clever kitty and wolfie, I like it!" Says a female while walking with him. "Ugh the jerks." I snarl sitting down. I look around to see everyone staring at me. "What?" I question. "Do you know what you just did?! You basically just dug your own grave." Aph yells. "Please, I had to teach my sister a lesson so if it means taking on the gang then so be it. I can't believe her!" I growl frustrated. "Who's angel?" Garroth asks. My head shoots up. "U-uh no one important!" I stutter. Everyone just continues eating.

~Time Skip To Katelyns House~

Aphs P.O.V

"Ok guys auditions are in a week, what on earth are we-" I never finished my sentence because kawaii~chan came running in upset. "Kawaii~chan is so sorry, but kawaii~chan needs to quit. Kawaii~chan and family are going on a vacation so kawaii~chan won't be able to make the talent show!" She cries. "Oh it's ok Kawaii~chan, we'll tell you everything that happened ok?" I say comforting her. "Yeah don't worry!" (Y/n) says cheerfully. "Ok,thanks everyone!" Kawaii~chan says and walks out. "So let's get this started shall we?" Lucinda says. Everyone nods and we pick a song and practice. We are so ready for the auditions!

~1 Week Later~

(Y/n) P.O.V

Today is the day for auditions I can't wait. I get ready for school and meet Katelyn, aph, and Lucinda early at the fountain. "Hey is everyone ready! I heard auditions are this morning!" Aph says excited but nervous. "We got this! Don't worry!" I say patting her back. "Hey kitty, wolfie!" Gene says. Aph told me everyone's name. "What." I say turning to face him. He was really close. "I heard your auditioning for the talent show, can't wait!" He smirks at me. "And why on earth does it concern you!" I argue stepping back, he steps closer. "Oh wolfie that's for us to know and for you to find out." He smirks again. "Also I have a little...present for you wolfie." He slyly says. "First of all my name is (Y/n), and I don't want your pres-" my eyes widened and everyone's jaw dropped in shock. The reason I was cut of was because Gene, GENE!! He kissed me. He grabs my back and holds me still. This is the only way, I kneed him right where the sun don't shine. "Ow, that kinda hurt."
He said as I pushed him away. "How DARE you!!" I say wiping my lips. "What? That was my good luck present." He smirks. "That was more like torture, and by the way the a terrible kisser." I sass swinging my hips. All the girls gathered around me. "Hehe oh don't worry gene I got the pics" Sasha says. "You little rats!" I yell. Gene smirks at me then walks away. "OMG, (Y/n) are you ok!" Aph says nervous. "Yeah I'm fine, just disgusted!" I grumble. "Well let's just pretend that never happened! We have to get to the auditions!" I scream as we run in the school.

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