The Talent Show

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(Y/n) P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since my singing competition. Which I came in 1st by the way. Me and the girls have been practicing a lot for the talent show cause we recently found out there's a $500 cash prize for the winners. We're not trying to be greedy or anything but we're still hoping for 1st place. I've hung out with gene a little and surprisingly shadow was right. He isn't that bad once you get to know him. The talent show is tomorrow so we have one more practice today at Katelyns. "Hey sis, aren't you suppose to be at a practice?" Jay says curiously. "In a little bit. I should probably start heading there though, thanks!" I respond standing up. "Mom I'm heading to Katelyns!" I yell walking out the door. "Be back for dinner!" I hear before the door closes. I'm on the way to Katelyns house when I see someone. Someone I need to talk to. I walk beside them. "Hey Laurence, long time no see." I mumble.
"(Y-Y/n) what are you doing here." He exclaims. "I need to talk to you." I say staring at him. "You should stay away from me, it's my fault you-" "what? It's your fault I got hurt. Not exactly. I taunted you, and teased you so that you would do it. It's both of our faults that's final." I interrupt. "(Y/n) listen I don't want to hurt you again." He says looking into the river. "You won't." I respond. He looks over at me surprised what I said. "I promise." I continue. "Thanks." He mumbles. "No problem, now I gotta go to practice, but I'll talk to you later ok?" I say walking towards Katelyns house again. "Ok!" He shouts.

~At Katelyns~

"I'm here!" I shout walking in Katelyns room. "Great, we were just about ready anyways, let's start this." Aph exclaims excitedly. We sing the song a couple times over then go for a lunch snack. "So how have you guys been lately." Katelyn asks casually sitting down on her bed. "Pretty good, me and Aaron are going to hang out later on today!" Aph squeals. "I'm going out with Ivan (I can't remember how to spell his name) later." Lucinda says sitting next to Katelyn. "That's cool! I'm going to be going out with Travis tonight too!" Katelyn exclaims. (Btw I ship travlyn, sorry to any of you jefflyn fans). "Wow we're all going out tonight, what about you (Y/n)?" Aph says turning to me. Everyone else looks at me too. I'm actually suppose to hang out with gene again tonight. But I can't say that! "Well I-uh..." I stutter looking for an excuse. "Ohhh what's going on with you tonight. Going out with someone?!" Katelyn teases. "Heh, I am but um you won't like who." I say nervously. Katelyn glares at me. "Who is it." She demands. "I'm not saying. That's like asking you to punch me!" I shout. "Just tell us." Lucinda says. "Fine fine, but it's not a date or anything, were just friends." I explain. They all nod wanting me to proceed. "I'm going out with gene tonight." I mumble. "WHAT?!" They all day in unison. "Look okay he's not that bad. Once you get to know him!" I defend. "Whatever you say, but I don't trust him." Katelyn growls. "Can we just continue practicing, please." I say plopping on the ground.

~Around 5:30 ish~

"Honey, I think your dad is home!" Mom shouts. I rush to the door and open it to see my dad. "DAD!!" I scream hugging him. "Hi honey how was your day!?" He says hugging me back. "Good, I went over to my friends house and practice because we entered a talent show. And I'm hanging out with someone tonight!" I respond excitedly. "Oh? I guess I'll be coming to that talent show then, cause I'm here for another 2 weeks!" He shouts hugging me tighter. "REALLY?! YESS!" I exclaim. Me and my dad talk more until, "honey, gene is here." Mom says walking in to the living room. "Gene? Who's Gene?" Dad questions. "The guy I'm hanging out with." I say nervously. "I think there dating to be honest." Mom murmurs. "I wish." Shadow replied. "Ohh really now? Let me meet this gene fellow." Dad says standing up. "Dad please don't scare him away." I say worried. I open the door. "Hey (Y/n)! Hello sir." Gene says standing still. "Hello there, I hear you and (Y/n) are going out tonight?" He says standing up straight. "Dad..." I whine. "Um yeah, but we're just friends." He responds casually. "YEAH RIGHT!" Shadow yells. "Shut it shadow!" I yell back. "Hmmm, just make sure nothing bad happens to her." He says bluntly. "Yes sir." Gene responds looking at me. "You may go now, come home soon."
He says waving goodbye. "I will." I respond. "Well that was...interesting." Gene says as we walk down my drive way. "Yeah but my dad isn't too bad once you get to know him. Huh I guess he's kinda like you." I say looking at gene. "Yeah, guess so." He responds looking back at me. "So I had an idea that maybe we should go somewhere to eat." Gene suggests. "Um yeah sure, I'm kinda hungry anyway." I say patting my stomach. "Perfect lets go. Oh and it's nothing fancy, just casual." He says guiding me to the place. "Good, cause I'm not wearing fancy." I grumble. This is what I'm wearing...

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