The Offer

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(Y/n) P.O.V
1 week later

It's been a week since those videos of Laurence Travis Katelyn and I singing were released and lucky us the heat has died down and it's like it never happened! "Thank god! No more crazy fangirls who are jealous of me!" Katelyn yells. The same thing that happened to me happened to her except with this girl named Tiffany. "Yeah I know. It's been a long week." I grumble. "Thank god it's Friday!" Laurence exclaims. "Yeah, we should go on a double date some time?" Travis suggested. Everyone agreed. We just have to pick a day place and time. Once we get to school Kawaii~chan comes running up to us "Kawaii~chan got you guys a gig!" She exclaimed. "What do you mean?" Katelyn asks. "Nightcore! Kawaii~chan got the band a gig at the mall and it's on Sunday!" She squeals cheerfully. "SUNDAY!! WE WILL HAVE TO PRACTICE SO MUCH ITS NOT FUNNY!" I yell. "Yeah considering we write our own songs!" Katelyn shouts. (Not actually most songs I use belong to little mix! I don't own any of the songs used!) me and Katelyn look at Travis and Laurence. "We have to talk with the other 2 see ya at lunch!" We both shout kissing their cheeks and running off.

Laurence P.O.V

"All of Kawaii~chans ships are sailing, YAAAA-" Kawaii~chan was about to go into fangirl mode. Me and Travis cover our ears. But to our surprise no noise was heard. I open my eyes to see Kawaii~chan staring at someone blushing. "Hey Kawaii~chan whatcha looking at?" I question. "N-no one!" She squeals. "Someone has a crush!" Travis teases. "NO KAWAII~CHAN DOESNT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. KAWAII~CHAN DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON ZANE~KUN!" She yells. No one heard her except us. "Oh Zane? Really?" I say looking at him. "Oh no... please don't tell anyone!" Kawaii~chan begged. "I won't gotta go!" I say walking off.

(Y/n) P.O.V

"So we'll have a double sleepover at my place cool?" I say trying to plan stuff out for this gig. "Yeah that's cool." Lucinda smiled. Everyone else agreed too so we all head to class.

~Time Skip To The End Of The Day~

"Ok guys let's go!" I exclaim. I called my mom earlier and she said it was ok for a sleepover. So the others called their parents too. Everything's good. We walk to my house and head to my room. "Wow! How come your room is so big!" Katelyn says in awe. "My dad had a lot of business trips and late nights at work which I guess made him a lot of money." I say casually changing into more comfortable clothes. "How much we talking about." Lucinda says suspiciously. "About a quarter of what the Zvahls have." I say again. They look at me blankly. "What the Zvahls and the (L/n)s have been partners for a while I just didn't think Laurence was THAT Zvahl.) I explain looking at them. "So how much do the Zvahls have?" Aph questioned. "I can't share personal information about our partners with anyone, but I can tell you how much we have saved up besides the money my mother makes." I say. They all nod. "The (L/n)s have about 25 million dollars in stock right now. But my mom makes money too so that could change." I say bluntly. They stare at me. "Oh and if you guys are using me for the money then leave." I give them a glare. "Woah we wouldn't do that. Heck we didn't know you had money till this moment!" Aph said hugging me. "Ok but now that you know I need you to promise me you won't use me." I whisper. "We promise." They all say in unison. We practice a little, then eat, then we go to bed. Then next day we pick out our outfits, practice more, eat, hang out, practice more, eat, gossip a little, then go to bed. We wake up Sunday morning early. Our performance is at 1:00. Everyone showers and gets dressed we have our outfits in our bags to Change at the mall. We eat breakfast. I look at the time. 12:14, "guys we should probably get going!" I shout. Everyone nods and my mom drives us to the mall. We rush in and get changed into our outfits,

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