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(Y/n) P.O.V

"We do...we choose *sigh* we choose to accept your offer." I say happy and sad at the same time. He gives us a big smile. "Good choice, we leave in 2 days meet me at the airport by 10:00am!" He cheers and runs off. I look back at the girls. "Well how about we have a sleepover at my place tonight?" I say with a nervous smile. "Yeah sure!" Aph sadly cheers. We really do want this but it's going to be hard to tell everyone. We walk back into class and Laurence gives me a serious look. I smile weakly at him and sit down. "Ok anyone like to sing?" The teacher said. There was this awkward feeling in the air. "I will." Laurence says quietly. He gets up picks a song and just sings. (Watch the video)

Once he finished I was almost in tears. I don't want to cry in class. I need to tell him after class. I sit there waiting for the bell, hoping it comes soon. RING! Finally! I rush out and see Laurence. "Laurence can I talk to you?" I say frantically. "Is this about your decision?" He asks turning to me. I nod slowly. "Ok." He mumbles. I drag him away from other people. "Ok, we ... we took the offer, were leaving in 2 days." I mutter. Quite. I look up to see him smiling at me. "That's great!" He yells excitedly. "What?!" I say surprised. "Look
(Y/n) I may be upset but it's your choice and I support you all the way..." he says hugging me. "Laurence, we have to-" "break up? I know and I don't want to, but if it wasn't like this we wouldn't have to. Just know I will always love you." He says softly. I smile. "Thank you." I mumble. We kiss for a long time. We start to make out, just rough kissing. About 15 minutes later. He walks me home. "Thank you again Laurence, I'll talk to you later." I wave goodbye. I turn around to see my mom and sister staring at me while jay is playing with his toys. "Hi?" I ask. "Decision?" Shadow questions. "Oh um we took the opportunity and accepted:" I respond nervously. "That's great dear! Just keep in touch with me ok?" Mom says hugging me. "But chad said we can't talk to any friends because they might distract us!" I shout. "I am your mother!" She shouts back. "True..." I grumble. I get ready for the sleepover. Once everyone gets here we chill out in my room grab snacks and talk basically. "So who has told  there families and stuff?" Lucinda asks. I look at the empty ads near my bed. "Me." I say. "Me too." Katelyn mutters. "Same." Aph mumbles. "I did too." Lucinda whispers. "So who broke up with there boyfriend?" I mumble. We all raise our hands. "You ready for the tour life ladies?" Katelyn grumbles. I nod. After that we never came back to the subject. We just talked about school work, and anime, and tv shows, and other girly things. Once everyone got into bed I felt something warm trickle down my cheek. "A tear?" I whisper to myself. I touch my cheek to find out it was in fact a tear. I'm crying. "Calm down me, go to sleep." I whisper to myself again.

~The Next Day At School~

Today is our last day at school. As I was walking to school I got bored again and check the news. "The all girl group band Nightcore has accepted a record deal with agent Martin (that's chads last name) there is also rumours going around that they're going on a world tour very soon. I can't wait!" The lady said. Why? Why did they have to say that, now we're gonna be flooded with people asking questions. Once I got there I see the group hiding. "What's up?" I say. They respond with a "SHHHH". I bend down beside them to see basically the whole school in one group. "Soooo?" I question. "They wouldn't stop asking us questions!" Aph whisper yells. "Oh" I mumble. After a while the heat died down and we could come out of hiding. "Did you guys pack or finish packing?" Katelyn asks. "I did." I say. "Same." Aph says. "I'm finishing up." Lucinda grumbles. "Me too." Katelyn murmurs. Our classes are normal but that changes at lunch. I sit down and like 6 girls I've never met sat down. "Hi?" I ask. "Hey there's an assembly going on today and I know this is short notice but can your band sing near the end. It'll be a good parting gift!" She begs. "Uh yeah sure, we need outfits though." I say. "Gotcha. Thank you!" She cheers walking off with her little posse. Everyone sits at the table. "So you guys accepted the offer?" Dante mutters. "Yeah." I whisper. "Well, good on you guys!" Nicole says trying to be cheerful. "Mhmm." Lucinda mumbles. We eat in awkwardness but after a while continue on with normal conversation.

~At The Assembly~

"Here's your outfits! Go change!!" The girl from earlier said. "Ok." We say. We walk into the change room and change.
(Ok for some reason photos aren't working but Lucinda has a leaching orange knee high lace dress, Aph has a knee high light purple lace dress, Katelyn has a beaching sky blue type dress, and you have a knee high lacey type dress)

"Thank you everyone for coming to this goodbye assembly!" A girl said. Goodbye assembly? "Today we are saying good bye to a talented group of girls and this is there last day here! Lucky us we get to here them one more time live!" The girl continued. I'm so confused. "Welcome Nightcore!" She cheers. Everyone claps and cheers we walk on and start singing (play the video)

   Katelyn      (Y/n)        Lucinda     Aph

We got everyone dancing. Once we finished Nightcore took their final bow at Phoenix Drop High. The girls and I got dressed and we walked home with our group one last time. I can't believe we're leaving soon. It's scary. "Well see you at the airport." Aph says waving at us. "Yeah bye." I mumble waving back. Once I get home, I walk to my room and cry for a little.

~At The Airport~

"Good bye mom, bye shadow, bye jay." I mumble crying. "Awe don't cry..." mom saying hugging me. We have a family group hug and just as I was about to leave. "(Y/n)!" It was Laurence. "Laurence!" I yell hugging him. "Here, take this." He says handing me a beautiful heart necklace with a black infinity sign wrapped around it.
(Like I said no photos so basically it's a diamond heart necklace with a black infinity sign wrapped through and around it)
"Laurence, it's beautiful!" I say in awe. He puts it on me. "Goodbye (Y/n)." He says a tear runs down his cheek I wipe it away with my thumb. I kiss him one. Last. Time. "Goodbye..."

After that the girls took off. There first stop was England where they would perform for the queen. It was hard on them. For about the first month everyone cried themselves to sleep missing there friends and family, but sadly they didn't have time for moping around. Soon they had more and more concerts so friends and family weren't something to worry over. It wouldn't be long until they completely forgot about their old life back at PDH and every memory they made there. As for Laurence and the gang. They never got over it, to this day they are waiting for the day where they can see there beloved friends, once again...


So guys that's the end of this book BUT BUT BUT  I already have a plan for a sequel soooo let me know if you want a sequel and I can make that happen. Also you can look forward to 2 new books one for older people hint hint wink wink. and one for the gene lovers! Any way I will be posting updates about this sequel on this book so just let me know. Hope you enjoyed and STAY FABULOUS~💜

Neighbors (Laurence x Reader) PDH {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now