The Beach

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Katelyn P.O.V

"Our plan is working perfectly!!" Aph squeals. "Plan?" I question turning towards her and Aaron. "Oh um yeah. You see when (Y/n) picked Laurence, me and cadenza wanted cadenza  to help Laurence think of a date idea for (Y/n). And find her a really cute outfit." She explains. "So?" I ask confused. "So they can get together! There so cute together!!" She screams. "I don't know...isn't that a little, what's the word..." "forcing the situation." Aaron says as if he read my mind. "Yeah." I agree. "Oh you 2 are over exaggerating!" She squeals and her and Aaron take off. "So Travis...what are we doing?" I question turning to him. "Well I thought that maybe you'd like to go to the skate park. Then maybe to the arcade?" He says as if he's hoping I'm ok with it. "SOUNDS AWESOME!!" I scream. Off we go...

(Y/n) P.O.V

"Are we there yet?" I ask for the 12th time. "No." Laurence replies agitated. A few minutes later we stop. "We're here!" He exclaims. He takes off the bandana and I open my eyes to see us at a beautiful beach. "Wow!" I say in awe. "You like?" He questioned. "Like? I LOVE!!" I scream I take my shoes off and run around in the sand. "Your acting like a 5 year old!" Laurence says standing near me but far enough so he doesn't get hit. "So what? Come on let's have some fun!" I shout grabbing his hand and dragging him down near the water. A few minutes later a tall, some what tan, blonde haired women with blue eyes walks up to us. "Hey would you 2 be interested in some beach volleyball!" She says aggressively but playfully punching my arm. "Um yeah sure. But who are you?" I ask curiously grabbing the volleyball. "Oh how rude I didn't introduce myself. I'm Brooke, and this aggressive ginger right here is my boyfriend, Max." She says introducing us to them. "Well I'm (Y/n) and this is Laurence." I say pointing to Laurence behind me. "You 2 dating in secrecy or something?" Max questions. "What?! We're not dating at all!!" Me and Laurence say in unison. "Sure you aren't. It's obvious that you 2 are a couple!" Brooke basically yells. "No we're not. Let's just play some volleyball!" I say walking over to the volleyball net. We play a few games of volleyball. We won all of them. "You 2 aren't very good you know that?" I say walking over to them. "Hey watch it! We're getting there!" Brooke says aggressively. "Uh huh, keep telling yourself that!" Laurence rolls his eyes. "Watch it bud. That's my girl your talking to." Max growls. "Whatcha gonna do about it." Laurence mocks. "Laurence...bad." I say waving my finger in his face. He just looks at me. "Ha! Do you always listen to your little girlfriend?" Max teases. "Max. Bad boy, sit." Brooke orders. He does exactly that. "Now look who's taking orders." Laurence teases. "Shut it!" Max growls. We talk for a bit until we see a stage. "Oh hey looks like there having a sing off!" Brooke says excitedly. "Oh do you sing?" I ask. "Hmm oh hell no! But I love listening to music!" She shouts. Me and Laurence give each other that look. "Do you?" She says with excitement in her eyes. "Actually we both do. I'm in a girl band." I answer casually. They both go wide eyed. "You have to go up there! RIGHT NOW!!" She screams as they both push me and Laurence towards the sign ups. "Guess we don't have a choice." I mumble. Me and Laurence sign up and wait for our turn. After maybe 5 acts there was a ... surprise. "Next up we have...Katelyn and Travis!" The announcer said. We see Travis and Katelyn walk up. "WHAT! Why are they here?!" Laurence asks. "I don't know?!? But we have to kick there asses so get ready to sing your heart out ok?" I say intensely. "Whatcha talking about?" Max questions. "You know the 2 up there?" Brooke asks. "Yep." Laurence says. "And we're determined to beat them." I growl. Katelyn and Travis begin to sing...(SING OFF TIME!!)

Once they finished everyone clapped and cheered. "Um guys, there amazing. How are you going to beat them!!" Brooke yells. I turn back. "Don't underestimate me. Someone did that before and ended up in a river." I growl. "Who?" Max chuckled. "Me." Laurence grumbled. "Next up we have...Laurence and (Y/n)!" The announcer said. We walked on stage and saw Travis and Katelyn smirk at us. they probably figured out we would show up here. Me and Laurence pick a song and get ready to sing...(YAY!!!)

Once we finished it was quiet for a minute. Then people started cheering and screaming and whistling. I look over at Katelyn and Travis and smirk. Katelyn put her phone down. Was she recording us? We walk off stage to see Brooke and Max in awe. "Told you not to underestimate us. Well me but we both did great!" I shout and high five Laurence. "B-but how?!" Brooke yells. I shrug. "I don't know." I say bluntly. We walk over to Katelyn and Travis. "Katelyn, Travis, meet Brooke and Max." Laurence said. "Oh so you met some new friends on your little date." Katelyn teased. "Date? So you 2 are dating!" Brooke yelled. "NO WERE NOT!!" Me and Laurence yell. "You sure are~" Brooke teased punching my arm. "I like her already!!" Katelyn yelled high fiving Brooke. "So are you 2 a thing?" Max said to Travis. "Um no." Travis mumbles. "Oh." Max replies. A few minutes later the announcer comes on stage. "The results are in. Coming in third is...Jaiden and Ein!" The announcer yelled. "Hey isn't Ein from our school?" Travis asked. "Um yeah. He's alpha." I say. "How would you know that?" Katelyn questions. "Look ok I'm - I'm a werewolf." I mutter. "THATS AWESOME!!" Brooke and Katelyn shout at the same time. "Yeah sure just don't tell anyone." I mumble. They nod. "In second is ...Katelyn and Travis!!" The announcer yelled again. Katelyn and Travis went up and claimed there second place trophy. "Good job." Brooke says when they come back. "And in first...LAURENCE AND (Y/n)!!!" The announcer screamed. Me and Laurence come up and claim our first place trophy then come back to our spot. "Congrats!" Everyone said. "Thanks guys. Oh by the way Brooke, can I get your number so we can talk?" I ask. She agrees and gives me here number. "Oh guess what Max and I are switching schools, we're going to Phoenix drop high now!" Brooke yelled excited. "No way!! That's the school we go to!" Travis says. "Cool then we will see you there!" She says as they both walk away. "Well guys we will talk to you later!" I say dragging Laurence back to the beach. Once we get there we go for a little walk. "That was fun!" Laurence said. "Yeah, thanks for bringing me here." I smiled at him. A small blush appears on his face. "Is was nothing, honest." He smiles back. We get splashed by a wave. "I wanna go swimming!" I yell. "Well we don't have bathing suits." Laurence mumbles. "So? I'll just swim in my shorts and bra. It's just like wearing a bathing suit." I say casually as I start to take off my shirt. "W-w-what?!" Laurence says blushing. "Oh come on!! It's just like me wearing a bikini except I'm wearing shorts and the top is more laced." I say throwing my shirt in the sand. "Some on!" I shout. Laurence slowly takes off his shirt and walks into the water with me. "Hey Laurence?" I say. "Yeah?" He responds. "Bye." I smirk as I push him into the water. He falls over and gets soaked. "HAHAHA!!" I laugh. "Ok that's it." He smiles as he picks me up from underneath and throws me into he water. "AHHH!" I scream. Now I'm soaked. Me and Laurence swim for the rest of the day. Later that night he takes me out for pizza. "OMI I LOVE PIZZA!" I yell walking out of the little pizza shop. Me and Laurence are fully clothed now so everything's good. We take one more small walk on the beach. As the sun is setting Laurence grabs both of my hands. "Laurence?" I say questionably. "Hmm?" He replies. He starts to lean in and then a moment later he kisses me. He actually kisses me.

 I slowly kiss him back

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I slowly kiss him back. After what feels like an hour we break apart. "Laurence..." I mumble.
"(Y/n) I can't hide this anymore, I-I-I love you." He confesses. I'm shocked. I think about what I'm going to say. I gotta tell him! "Laurence I-I..."

MUAHAHAHA ENDING THAT THERE!! Aren't I just the best!! I don't like cliff hangers but this is the best place to finish off this chapter. Next chapter will either come out tomorrow or the next day! STAY FABULOUS~💜

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