Chapter 3: Hallway

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Jen's Pov:

I walk outside the hospital room but I don't go to the waiting room, I need a minute to myself. I find a small hallway and see someone in the corner crying. I ignore him because I can't stop my tears from falling. I lean against the wall and cry into my hands. These last hours have been extremely overwhelming. After a couple minutes, I feel a tap on my arm. I look up to see the man who was crying in the corner. At first he seems concerned that I was crying, but then he stares at me.

"You're beautiful" he whispers

I step backward and dry my tears with my hands "Look I don't need a jerk taking advantage of me in a vulnerable situation, So get the hell away from me!" I say annoyed and start to walk away.

"Hey!" He screams and I turn around. "I don't normally walk up to strangers and tell them they're beautiful! I was here crying in this hallway because my ex-wife just died leaving me alone with my newborn son!"

He falls to the floor crying and I kneel down next to him

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to assume but"

"No no it was my fault. I know I sounded like an ass. I've never told anyone they were beautiful without talking to them first. I'm just not thinking" He continues to cry silently and leans against the wall. I join him on the ground

"I found a girl" I say as tears start to fall down my face. "She was hurt by some man and I took her here. I can't even imagine what happened to her, I don't want to"

We cry for awhile in a somber silence until he speaks up again "I'm sorry for calling you beautiful"

I wipe my tears and face him "It's never bad to hear a compliment, I'm sorry for overreacting"
I take the time to study his features. He has light brown hair and bright blue eyes which are accentuated from his tears.

"I'm Kyle" he says and extends his hand

"I'm Jen" I say with a slight smile and shake it

"So you found a child?" He says breaking the slightly uncomfortable silence

"Umm yeah a little girl, they are taking tests to make sure she is okay"

"Is she?"

"No, she has been badly abused" I start to cry again

"Well she has you now" he tries to comfort me

"You have a son?" I ask changing the subject attempting to stop my tears

"Yeah, he is a couple hours old"

"I'm sorry about your wife"

"She was my ex-wife. I didn't love her but I never wanted her dead. We got divorced before she found out she was pregnant. Now I have to raise this kid alone"

"You'll be a good father" I try to assure him

"You don't even know me" he admits

"I just have a feeling"

"I guess that's why I approached you, I just had a feeling...........Do you believe in fate?"

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