Chapter 22: The Move

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Jen's Pov:

Boxes and boxes and boxes. The whole house is full of boxes. Ainsley and I have spent this last week packing everything and shipping it to my place in New York. I start rehearsal for the play, The End of Longing, tomorrow so we are heading to New York today. Most of our stuff has already been shipped but the rest is either on it's way or in our suitcases. Kyle has most of his stuff in storage except for a few suitcases. He has shipped some stuff for the baby to my apartment. He hasn't been able to find a home yet but he's still searching. His house in Vancouver was put up for sale and it sold within a matter of hours. It's going to be tight, all five of us living in a two bed two bath apartment. We will make due with what we got. Today all of us are flying to New York together. This is going to be the first time that we are all out in public where there might be paparazzi. Since I have decided not to announce that Ainsley is my daughter until it's official, she's going to appear to be with Kyle. So we've decided that I'll be in front of them in line by a couple people. I bought us first class tickets so Lorelei and Ainsley will sit together and Kyle will sit next to me with Eli on his lap. The girls will sit in front of us. I'm hoping it will just look like I was seated next to this family.

"Ains! You ready to go?" I call to her from downstairs

She comes running down with her backpack on
"Yes mommy! I'm excited to fly!"

I pick her up and kiss her "good, now you remember what we talked about right"

"Yes, I have to pretend not to know you"

"I know it will be weird but it's just this one time. We don't want people to know about you yet"

She looks at me confused "I just don't understand why it has to be a secret"

"I know, but I want to keep you safe. I don't want people harassing you or having your story shared. And most importantly you know....he...hasn't been found yet. I can't have you getting hurt"

She wraps her arms around my neck "I love you mommy"

"I love you too, alright ready to go"

We get in the car and drive to Kyle's home. We both didn't feel like driving our cars all the way to New York so Kyle is having his shipped. Mine will be sent back to my home in LA. The company will pick up both of our cars from his home. We knock on the door and Kyle embraces us in a hug. Ainsley runs inside to hug Lorelei and Kyle kisses me. I accidentally let a groan slip out and he bites my bottom lip and smirks at me

"I have to control myself next to you for the entire flight. It's going to be hard" he says

I roll my eyes and smile "we'll survive. I just hope Ainsley is alright."

"And Eli doesn't cry the entire time"

"Yeah true"

We gather the suitcases and call two Ubers. I have to arrive to the airport alone. I kiss Ainsley and hug everyone else before getting in the car. I arrive to the airport and check my bag. I see them all behind me by four people. I am however greeted by a couple fans and take pictures with them. After going through security and customs I board the plane. I look behind me the entire time checking to make sure Ainsley is alright. Kyle looks pretty cute with a baby on his chest and two girls by his side. I sit by the window in my seat and wait for them to board. After a couple minutes I see them and the girls sit down in the row in front of me. I wink at Ainsley and she smiles big. Kyle sits next to me with Eli on his lap. I pretend not to notice him and look at my phone. Before take off a fan comes up to me and asks for an autograph. I get up in the aisle and sign the small Once poster for her. I make sure to say excuse me sir to Kyle so the girl knows I don't know him. Once the plane starts to move I peek at Ainsley who's  sitting straight in front of me. I reach my hand next to the seat and grab her shoulder. She grabs it back reassuring me that she's okay. During the flight, Ainsley seems completely content. I got her an iPad to play games and watch videos. She also brought a coloring book and her favorite stuffed animal, a little light orange bear named Clara. Eli only cries once because he's hungry. After a bottle he falls asleep sweetly on his father's chest. I lean my head against the window and Kyle grasps my hand. I squeeze it and we stay like that. I figured no one will notice since we are in our seats. Once the plane lands I let Kyle and the kids get off the plane first and get their bags. I follow a couple people behind them. I do encounter a couple paparazzi as I'm getting my bags. I see Kyle and the kids get in a Uber and I call one for myself. As I'm waiting I sign a couple things for the paparazzi then get into the Uber. I live about 30 minutes away from the airport. Once we arrive to my apartment I see Kyle and the kids with their bags. I thank my driver and meet up with them. I pull Ainsley into a hug and we walk into the building. I greet my doorman and introduce him to Ainsley and Kyle. Then we head up on the elevator to my floor. I take out my keys and open the door. I see a couple boxes in my living room but the rest I either sold or put in storage. Everybody walks inside and looks around. Lorelei immediately goes to the balcony to look at the view

"Jen this place is amazing!" Lorelei says

"I never realized you were this rich" Kyle says

"Oh come on, it's not like I have a penthouse apartment or anything"

"It's cool mommy! Where is my room?" Ainsley asks

I show Ainsley to the guest bedroom. Right now it has a queen bed and small dresser in it. I take Ainsley's boxes of toys and such and place them in her room. Lorelei carries in her boxes as well. Until Kyle finds a house the girls are going to be sharing a room. I have ordered bunk beds though, since Ainsley still has some difficulty sleeping. They should be arriving tomorrow sometime. I let the girls start to unpack their stuff while Kyle and I unpack Eli's things. We set up his crib in the living room right outside my room. Then Kyle places his bags of clothes in my room. I take Eli in my arms and we sit on my bed.

"Ugh there is a lot to unpack" Kyle says

I tickle Eli's tummy "well at least this little guy is good"

"He's a calm baby thankfully"

"He is the spitting image of you"

He blushes a little "yeah he does look like me doesn't he? Well Lorelei doesn't look like me at all so I guess I get this one"

"You know Ainsley kind of looks like you a bit. You guys have the same color hair"

He lightly grabs my hand "you know family doesn't have to look like you to be family. It doesn't really matter"

I smile "I know I just.......well it's hard to think about sometimes."

He sits down next to me and places a kiss on my cheek "hey, Ainsley will be officially yours in five days"

"I can't wait, but truly she's already my kid. This is just a formality"

"I have to admit I'm nervous to meet your family"

"You are sweet, charming, handsome, and smart. They will love you"

He pulls me in for a kiss and we lay back on my bed with Eli in between us.

"I'll just use the baby to charm them" Kyle says and I roll my eyes and laugh at him

Authors Note:

Hope everyone had a special holiday!

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