Chapter 20: Go Fish

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Jen's Pov:

I wake up early to a phone call. I quickly sit up and answer my phone. It's the doctor on the other end.

"Ms. Morrison?"

"Yes, I'm here"

"Ainsley is doing wonderfully. She is being very friendly to the nurses but still a little scared."

"So the medicine is working?"

"Yes, she's doing much better. I believe that she had an outburst due to PTSD. Sometimes actions can trigger an attack and with time these will fade. I'm impressed that this is her first major outburst, you are really taking great care of her"

I let tears slip down my cheeks

"You can come take her home" he informs me happily

"Thank you, thank you so much"

I press the end button and lay back down with the phone on my chest. Kyle groans and opens his eyes

"Sorry did I wake you" I question and turn towards him

"No no it's fine" he grumbles

"You're in pain" I say "let me get you some pain killers then I have to go"

"Where?" Asks confused

"The doctor called me and Ainsley is much better, I can go pick her up" I say and quickly get out of bed

"That's great" he says

I help him sit up and hand him water and pills. I brush the messed up hair out of his face and look into his eyes

"Don't" he says with a raised eyebrow

"What?" I ask

"You're blaming yourself for me being in pain. I will be totally fine after a couple days"

"I know but"

He reaches his good arm and grabs my hand.

"Go get your daughter"

I smile at him and peck his lips. I quickly change into the clothes I came here in and rush to the hospital. On my way I get a call from Adam. He informs me that If I'm not on set today Emma can't be in this episode. I'm tempted to say that I can't but this is my 4th to last episode of Once Upon A Time. I tell him I can be there in an hour. I rush inside the hospital and to Ainsley's room. I push the doors over and run to her bed. She's in a hospital gown sitting and eating jello with one of the nurses.

"Mommy!" She exclaims

I pull her into such a tight hug and she wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my neck. I gently stroke her hair

"Don't leave me ever again" she whispers

"Never" I say and choke back tears.

"You can get her changed and take this adorable baby home" the nurse says to me

"Thank you" I reply

After she leaves I help to change Ainsley out of her hospital gown. I remember the first time we were in this situation. This time she has no dark bruises just old faded ones. Her ribs are less visible and her hair is clean. This time she's my beautiful healthy kid. I smile at her

"Ready to go"


I pick her up and we get to the car. I buckle her in her car seat

"So I'm going to take you to Kyle's okay"

"Why mommy?"

"I have to work"


"It's not for long don't worry. You get to watch movies with Lorelei, Kyle and Eli. I'm so sorry I have to leave"

"It's okay mommy I love Lorelei. Will you come back"

"I will always come back"

I drive us back to Kyle's house and explain my situation to Lorelei since Kyle's asleep. She is happy to watch Ainsley and at this point I completely trust her. After 6 hours on set I return to their house to find the sweetest sight. I see Kyle, Ainsley, and Lorelei sitting around the table playing cards. Eli is on the floor on his mat chewing on a stuffed elephant. In this moment I can actually see a future with Kyle. A future that absolutely terrifies me but I want it just the same.

"Jen!" Kyle says as he sees me

"Mommy!" Ainsley says

I go over and give all of them a hug and join them at the table

"How was work" Lorelei asks

"Fine, I just missed everybody" I say and ruffle Ainsley's hair "what are you guys doing"

"Fishing!" Ainsley says excited and I chuckle

"We are playing go fish" Kyle says

"And we are learning our numbers" Lorelei adds and winks at me

"That's wonderful. How is everyone feeling"

"The pain killers are working for me" Kyle smiles

I roll my eyes at him "I'm sure" I go over to the floor and pick up Eli. He smiles at me and grabs my hair. They finish their game of cards and Lorelei goes off to do school work. The rest of us sit on the couch. I have both kids in my arms.

"My parents called" Kyle says

"And what did you say?"

"I told them that I didn't want to see them. They were angry and after a long conversation I agreed to see them for thanksgiving"

"Sounds like you worked it out at least"

"Would you come with me?"

I look at him a bit shocked "well I mean it's only June now. That's kind of a long way away"

"Yeah right is that to much of me to expect?"

"No..........I would love to go"

He smiles brightly at me knowing how hard it is for me to commit to anything.

"What's thanksgiving?" Ainsley asks confused

"It's where the whole family comes together to give thanks for everything beautiful in this world. And we eat a lot of food" Kyle explains

"Don't worry you we will have a wonderful thanksgiving together" I say to Ainsley

"With Kyle too?" She asks

I make eye contact with Kyle and his eyes look straight to my soul

"Yes, I think that would be perfect" I say and he leans over to kiss my forehead

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