Chapter 5: Morning

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Jen Pov:

I wake up to a touch on my arm. I open my eyes and find Kyle standing next to me

"I'm so sorry to wake you Jennifer it's just my in-laws will be here in an hour and I wanted to see you"

I check the time on my phone and see that it's 7:00am. I wipe my eyes and sit up. I notice Kyle is carrying his son in a carrier. "Is that your son?"

"Yes, his name is Elliot but I'm calling him Eli for short"

"That's a cute name, he is very adorable" I say gazing at the little baby boy wrapped in a cozy blanket

"Jen I was wondering'd like to get a real cup of coffee with me sometime" he says nervously

"Oh Kyle I don't know.....Neither of us have time for dating"

"I understand" he says somberly "So did you adopt her?"

"Well I'm going to foster her and take this one step at a time"

"That's wonderful I'm very happy for you......... I agree that neither of us have time to date. Are you going to take some time off for maternity leave?"

"Well since this is unexpected I'll probably just ask for a week or two off"

"That's perfect, why don't you guys come over for dinner at my house. You can meet my daughter and I can spend time with you. Then maybe when you go back to work I could help watch Ainsley"

"That sounds lovely but I don't know if Ainsley would be okay with that. I've only known you a couple hours plus I don't know that's good for her"

"I know but don't you feel this" he says as he grabs my hands

"Kyle I just..."

"We have a connection! I've always tried to do the right thing my whole life. Got good grades, good job and proposed to the women I loved. She got pregnant and we had a baby, but then she left me. My so called perfect life was gone. I spent my time trying to make money and make daughter happy. I know I sound stupid and crazy but I can't just forget about you"

I let go of his hands and look him straight in the eyes with adoration.

"Kyle I'm're right I feel something. But that doesn't change the fact that this is crazy. We were both exhausted and hurting and cried together"

I lean against the wall and Kyle kisses me, I'm a bit shocked at first but then I respond and begin to kiss him back.

Then Ainsley wakes up screaming and we separate "MOMMY!!!" She cries

I run over to her bed and pull her in a hug "honey it's okay, I'm here it's okay"

"He's hurting you! He can't hurt you" she cries and thrashes

"No baby he's not hurting me" I say as I rub her back

"He was kissing you, now he's going to have sex with you!" she cries

"No honey, we were just kissing" I try to console her


"He is my.........romantic friend. He wasn't hurting me"

"Are you sure" she asks confused

"Yes, Kyle wouldn't hurt me......Do you want to see the baby" I say trying to change the subject quickly

She smiles at me tentatively and Kyle comes next to her bed. He takes his sleeping son out of the carrier and holds him in his arms. He gets close so Ainsley can touch him

"He's really cute" she says to Kyle

"Yes he is, and you don't have to worry about me. I won't hurt your mom. Would you like to see the baby and I again sometime" he asks her

"Yes please, can we mommy" she looks at me and I look at Kyle

"Sure sweetheart, after we are settled in our home maybe we can visit Eli at Kyle's house"

"Yes and you can meet my daughter Lorelei" Kyle adds

"Could she be my friend?" Ainsley asks "I've never had a real friend"

"Yes honey, she can be your friend" Kyle replies empathetically "well I should be going, goodbye Ainsley"

"Goodbye" Ainsley says

I join Kyle in the hallway before he leaves

"Jen if you just want to be friends I'm okay with that"

"No I don't want to just be friends" I say with a lopsided grin. I don't know what comes over me but I press my lips against his. He cups my head and deepens the kiss

"Sorry I scared your daughter" he says against my lips

"It was worth it" I whisper and smile

He pecks my lips then pulls away. He hands me a piece of paper with his number on it "please call me, or text. I'd like to set up that dinner"

"Once I get my work schedule settled I'll call you"

"I can't wait" he kisses me again and then leaves.

He walks away and I lean against the door smiling like an idiot. I go back into Ainsley's hospital room and pick up my phone. I see that I have four missed calls from Ginny. I call her back immediately

"Jen, is everything alright. What happened with that girl?"

"She's okay, I'm going to take care of her"

"Jen that's great! But are you sure you're okay"

"I don't know. I basically have a daughter now and I'm happy. I need to talk with Eddy and Adam. I'm going to need some time off of work I don't even know if I can do that with my contract and the schedule will be messed up"

"Jen calm down. It will all be okay they are very understanding. Are you still at the hospital?"

"Yes I barely got any sleep. But she is okay, and they are administering fluids and vitamins"

"I'm coming to the hospital"

"No no it's fine"

"I'm coming, see you soon"

Ginny hangs up the phone and I sit next to Ainsley's bed.

"Who were you talking to?" She asks

"My friend Ginny"

"Okay" she says scared

"Baby you don't have to meet anyone if you don't want"

Ainsley shivers and I hug her close. She starts crying in my chest and I rub her hair

"Honey did Kyle scare you"

"No, I like Kyle" I feel her head and she's burning up. I lay her down in the bed and press the nurse button.

Seconds later a nurse comes in the room and takes Ainsley's temperature. She has a fever of 103 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Mommy" Ainsley calls softly and I sit next to her bedside holding her hand

Dr. McKay comes in the room and starts examining Ainsley. Ainsley sits up and throws up on her bed then passes out. The nurse starts pushing me out of the room

"No I need to know what's happening to my daughter!" I try to fight back

"I'm sorry ma'am I will let you know once we figure it out"

"Please you have to let me in!"

He closes the door and draws the curtains so I can't see inside the room.

Authors Note:
Thank you guys so much for voting for my story! I'm so happy people enjoy it, please comment your feedback 😊

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