Chapter 6

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I see my mother gently taping a spoon to a wine glass, trying to get everyone’s attention, she then announces ecstatically

“ Everyone, Dinner is served, please go find a seat at the dinning table!”

Electra, Sage and I get up from the couch we where resting on and sit ourselves on the table, Sage directly facing me, Electra by her. My mom takes the seat right by me, and Electra and Sages parents do the same. I can’t help but take my gaze to Harry; he was only sitting a few seats away from me but on the other side of the table.

Most of the dinner went on with all the adults conversing about business, their children, and gossip, all things that uninterested me. I was looking down at my plate, guiding my fork in circles above my food. I was suddenly brought back to reality when I hear Harry’s name being called.

The woman besides him was the voice. I assumed it was his mother; the resemblance was inevitable, them both having the same eyes, and facial structure. She then spoke in a proper manner

“Harry is studying film at Columbia, he really loves film and is so talented when it comes to film critique and study. At first Bill and I where not on board with the whole arts thing, and making it a career, but then we realized how much filmmakers and studiers make! So we ended up supporting, the dream.” Her smile was fake and forced, just like my mothers. During that whole speech harry jaw had been clenched, his eyes not leaving his plate; I think his family pissed him off as much as mine did.

“ Isn’t that right honey?” She continues, all of us waiting for an answer from Harry, but he continues to look down and not answer the question. Harry continued his silence until his mother nudged him and called out his name again.

“ Harry?” she said, giggling to lessen the tension of the situation.

“ Yes mum, that’s right” he gave his best fake smile, she smiled as well. Just then my mother began to speak.

“ Well that is great! I don’t think many of you know this, but Marine here” she points and beams at me “ is an excellent writer! She wants to be a writer when she grows up, isn’t that right Marine?” She continued to smile at me till I gave her the answer she wanted. I was completely fed up by her trash. She used me as an item of boast when she needed something to make herself look better. She doesn’t know I want to be a writer, she doesn’t know squat about my interests. She assumes things about me that I don’t even understand myself. I was done with holding it in; I don’t think I could behave tonight.

“Actually” I begin and look at my mother blankly, “ I don’t really know what I wanna do with my life.” That’s better get people talking. Lily Westfall’s daughter doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life so soon till university! Good luck with her!

I looked at Electra and Sage expectedly seeing them grinning, looking down at their food, trying to hold in their laughter. Surprisingly, there is one more person smiling too, Harry. I now have his full attention.

“ Honey you are hilarious sometimes!” My mother said laughing, trying to hide the mess I just created.

“ Come on Marine, you know how magnificent your writing is don’t you! She has won several competitions for her writings, I read them all, and I can approve, they are stellar pieces!” I was fuming. She hasn’t touched a piece of my work.

“ She actually hasn’t read any of my pieces, she didn’t even know I wrote until like a month ago, and she didn’t even both-“

“ That’s enough Marine” my father cuts me off, his eyes dart at me, silencing my speech. I am going to get into a lot of shit for this.  Her eyes are harsh, screaming at me without opening her mouth.

I turn around only to see Harry breaking into laughter, covering his face with his hand on his forehead. Everyone was staring at him, his mother and father trying to shut him up, then soon succeeding. Electra and Sage begin to laugh as well, but they got an immediate scolding from their parents shutting them up.

Harry looks back up from his plate, now both of us making eye contact, him grinning at my confident posture and dark humor. The whole room is silent, but Louis breaks the ice, getting people to converse once again.

I decided to get up from my seat and just leave the dinner. I was completely done with this bullshit and these bullshit people and I just wanted to read in my room alone. I excused my self, tucked in my chair, and brought my plate to the kitchen, though my mother tells me that the maid can take it for me. I then made my way up to my bedroom.

I make way through the hallway only to be dragged by my mother into her room. Her eyes where blazing, not in any mood for mercy. She gripped me by my arm piercingly, her nails digging into my skin.

“ You think you can just embarrass me in front of everyone like that? You know what you have done to the reputation of this family?”  Like usual my mother was overreacting.

“ Calm down mother, all I did was tell them the truth, you cannot punish me for that.” I was calm and collected, I didn’t do anything wrong, my dignity still was my own.

“ Well the truth was unnecessary. Why do you have to be so stupid Marine? Why? This is what I get for saying good things about you in front of important people? I give you everything, and you do this to me?”

Before I could stop myself, I was screaming.

“ You only bragged about me to satisfy your own ego and make yourself look good! I was not going to let you real me into you’re stupid plans! I see how you act around dad, you know, how you too act so happy and stable and when in reality you-“ My words where sucked back into my throat when I felt my mothers hand across my bare cheek. I sensed the tears coming out, but I could not let her win this, I could not look defeated.

In a matter of seconds, her face had went from enraged to frightened, as she took her gaze away from me and to the door behind me. I turned around only to see a curly haired boy standing right outside my parent’s bedroom.


CLIFFHANGER. i hope u guys liked the chapter! Like, comment, vote!

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