Chapter 24

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We all walk up to the rooftop quietly; the awkward tension in the air is thick. The rooftop is beautiful as usual with the whole view of the city, a fireplace, and modern chairs, but the energy is so fluctuated the scene is not as stunning.

“ I ruined everything didn’t I” I say as I make my way to a seat. Everyone tells me I didn’t but really what else are they going to say. I rest my elbows on my knees and lay my palms on my face, rubbing my temples. I just wanted to go to my room and read. This is what happens when I try to be social with people in this damn society.

“Marine they are just angry because you pointed out their insecurities.” Louis tells me as he starts the fireplace. He wasn’t taking this whole issue seriously while I was freaking out. But then I realized that I really shouldn’t care, so I eased up a little.

We all sat around the fireplace silently, Harry on my left, Electra on my right. The sound of the fire burning calmed me down and as well as Harry’s body so close to mine. It was nice having him there. The silence is broken when Louis pulls out a bag filled with green leaves.

“Guys want some?” Oh my God it is pot. How the fuck does my brother have pot? I wish my parents knew how much innocence he lacked. Electra and I’s eyes widen, as we both evaluate the drug.

“How the fuck did you get pot?” Electra says for me.

“Will you calm down they wont be coming up here anyways, do you want some or not? And don’t look at me that way Marine, no way are you getting some.”

I roll my eyes. Electra and I have never really been into alcohol and drugs. We don’t really care about the people who do it, but I guess it was just not our thing. Pot intrigued us, but yet we both knew we where too cowardly to try some.

“No thanks,” she says for her and me. He passes it around and the only person who rolls a joint is Louis and Niall.

“Fuck it… My parents are gonna kill me when I get home so might as well be stoned.” Niall says.We all chortle.   

“ To fucking annoying parents” Louis exclaims, placing the joint in his mouth and lighting it. He passes it to Niall and he does the same. We all make an imaginary toast.

“To fucking annoying parents.” We repeat, and all relax on our chairs, warming our selves with the fire.

“You know what Marine” Harry begins suddenly, making me nervous, “ I think what you said was amazing, you shouldn’t be embarrassed you know? You should be pissed off that they rubbed you off that way.” Harry gives me a sympatric smile and I give him one back.

“ I know right Harry? Marine don’t be embarrassed what you said was fucking amazing” Electra says and Niall nods, coughing out a big amount of smoke.

“Guys to be honest, I am still really hungry, we didn’t even get to finish our food.” Niall says, puffing out smoke. In a weird way pot smelt like coffee and skunk, very unique. I watched my brother and Niall smoke so effortlessly, barely any coughing. I feel like I would probably die or get stoned really fast if I tried it. I am lightweight.

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