Katrina: Australia

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The cold floor numbs my feet

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The cold floor numbs my feet. Hands reach for me, I'm running through the halls of Jedburgh Orphanage once again, just this time there's no way out. Voices call my name.

"Katrina. Katrina. Time for bed, honey."

I'm in a white gown, the ones they used to use for the crazy kids. The cold air hurts my lungs as I gasp trying to find a way out. I turn and see the faces of my twin sisters Kendall and Kyara, along with those I used to call my friends. Those who I've chosen to put behind me. They slowly advance on me, their eyes black as night, and their skin as pale as my gown.

"Please no. Leave me alone," I hardly manage to whisper as my back hits the cold wall. "Anything but this, it's me...."

They close in on me. Their hands reaching and pulling at me. I fall on the floor and curl up, my arms pulled over my head. They're echoing voices get louder and louder.

"Katrina, Katrina, Katrina."

"Katrina, Katrina, are you awake?" I shoot up in bed and hold my chest. There's pounding at my door. I look around and realize I'm in my bed and not lying on the cold floor of the Jedburgh Orphanage.

I go to the door and open it. My best friend Killian stands there in jeans and a dark green shirt. His long blond hair is down in his face on one side, while the other is tucked behind his ear.

"Are you okay?" Killian looks at me a little concerned. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Just a dream," I let him into my room.

Killian flops down on my bed and puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes.

"You know that's my bed?" I ask.

"I do indeed!" he says laughing. He opens one eye and slightly looks at me. "My dear, you should be getting dressed, we haven't got all day." Killian says knowing I'd start blushing.

"You know calling me 'my dear' would mean nothing if you weren't so handsome," I yell as I get dressed in the Bathroom. I hear him snort.

I pull on my UQ shirt and my favorite pair of ripped denim jeans, with my favorite pair on black Vans. I go with letting my hair hang loose on my shoulders and touch up with a little makeup. Once I feel satisfied, I walk back out and find Killian watching out the window above my bed.

Why can't I find friends who don't take advantage of my stuff?

"You cut a minute off today. It's a new record." Killian says in his Australian accent, turning to look at me with golden eyes that could make your melt. He smiles and looks at my shirt.

"Don't judge me," I shoot at him, sticking my tongue out. He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"I don't know why you wear that shirt. You're pretty much saying 'University of Queensland! Look! Look at my shirt! I'm representing!' He sticks his tongue out and mocks me back.

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