Uncovering the Plot

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We are the first to arrive at Joe's funeral, and sera and I are standing by the casket. I haven't said anything all day, and I know Serafina is worried but I am afraid to speak least I have a breakdown. Sera put an arm around me to show that she is here for me. After everyone arrives we are seated and the service begins. As the preacher begins to speak, I carefully observe everyone. I begin to twist the necklace that Joe gave me. I watch as they lower Joe into the ground, unshed tears blurring my vision.

After the funeral, I notice a girl near Killian, and Katrina and I approach them to see what is going on. The girl has blonde hair with the green highlights, and she is wearing a slim black dress. She looks familiar where have I seen her before? She seems flighty like someone is stalking her. She keeps looking over her shoulder, then down at the ground, and then she repeats the cycle. I hear Serafina introduce her to them.

"Elizabeth this is one of my good friends Katrina, Katrina this is Elizabeth," Katrina reaches out her hand to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth hesitates before accepting it. They try to make small talk but it becomes quite clear that this is not going to work when Katrina states: "Why would it matter to you?"

"Oh honey I could care less what you do...in fact do what you want. I was just making conversation," with that Elizabeth walks away. That was weird.

"Katrina? That was kinda rude don't you think? I mean she's my friend...don't you think you should be a little nice? She came here to help me," Serafina states, before coming towards me "You ready to go?" I nod and Jace, Serafina, and I head back to the orphanage. We ride silence which is fine by me.

As we go I think of the way Elizabeth stated and it makes me suspicious of her. I go upstairs and get changed, still lost in thought. I lie down on my bed still playing with my necklace. Black and red stones in the shape of a rose... why a rose and where have I seen Elizabeth before... the dream I had the other night was weird... wait dream she looks like the girl from my dream... no that is crazy.

I go down stairs to get something to eat. Hopefully no one is in there I kinda want to be alone right now. When I go to enter Serafina is storming out of the room. I come into the room and look around, "is everything okay?"

"We need to tell you something...we need you to hear us out," Killian stands up and crosses the room to me. He and Katrina explain to me what they have been up to.

"What? She killed him..." I say quietly.

"Mika we are sorry...." Katrina says placing a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off my thoughts in turmoil. I spy Serafina's phone and quickly place together a plot.

"Sera forgot her phone here...I need to go give it to her. Thank you...for telling me," and with that I walk out of the room.

I quickly scroll through Sera's phone looking for Elizabeth's number I find it and shoot off a text to her.

Hey, I have something to talk to you about. Will you meet me at Break-Off Ridge?

I hit send, go upstairs, and place her phone on her bed. I get ready and slowly, quietly go out to Serafina's rental and get in. Good, she left the keys in the ignition. I start it up and slowly pull out and head towards Break-Off Ridge. I finalize the details in my mind on what I am going to say to her when I get there. Elizabeth is not here when I arrive so I prop myself against a tree waiting patiently. Around seven-thirty Elizabeth shows up, she gets out of the car and looks around for Serafina. I step out of the cool shade of the tree, and when she sees me she looks surprised.  

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