Katrina: The Confrontation

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New Orleans PD have now identified the body found in the house after the fire to be Stuart Marx. His body was found in the attic, they are not sure if the house fire was intended to kill him. They have not ruled it to be an accident or homicide. As of right now they are ruling it as undecided. Once again anyone with any information is asked to step forward and report it.

I listen as the news lady goes on to the next piece of local news. I sit there biting my nails and blankly staring at the tv. How didn't we hear him in the attic? We should've tried harder to get it open and see if anyone was in there. If we only would've looked....

"Katrina? Dear, are you ready?" Killian looks at me from across the room as he finishes fixing his tie and puts on his suit coat.

I stand up, I'm wearing my long black lace dress. Today is Joe Graves funeral. Killain holds out his arm to me, I take it and walk with him out the door. Outside he already has a taxi waiting to pick us up.

When we arrive to the grave site I see Mika first. She looks still beat up and sad, she stares off into the distance at the other grave stones. Serafina is off on the other side with Jace and some girl I don't recognize. I step out of the car and go back to holding Killian's arm, he kisses my head. We start to make out way down the path when I hear my name being called.

"Katrina! Oh my goodness Katrina!"

I turn and see two tall beautiful girls running towards me. Their piercing green eyes light up and their black hair flows in the wind. Kendall and Kyara my sisters.

"Hey! How are you guys?" I ask as they hug me.

"We missed you so much! We didn't think you'd be here or even knew?" Kendall says wrapping her arms around my neck again.

"Well don't be mad...but I've been here for about a week and half. I was planning on visiting you guys before I left, but here you are," I hug them again.

"So, who's the hunk?" Kyara asks, winking at me.

I laugh and look at them, "Killian...this is Killian. Killian these are my sisters...the twins. Kendall and Kyara." Killian extends a hand to them, but all they do is laugh. They look at each other and hug him instead.

"Welcome to the family...brother," Kyara says giggling.


"Okay girls that's enough, leave him alone," I grab them by their arms and pull them away from him, "So, how's school been?"

"You know boring...." Kendall says rolling her eyes.

"Behaving I'm hoping?"

"Oh yes of course...just because it's boring doesn't mean we aren't going to listen," Kyara says laughing.

"How are Grandma and Grandpa?" I look at them.

"Good," they say in unison.

Last time I had heard the two of them had gotten in trouble for skipping school. Our grandma wasn't too happy, she said she agreed to keep them if they behaved. I had talked to them after that and made sure they understood it was important they listened.

"So do you know who that girl is with Sera? She wasn't at the orphanage was she?" I ask them while looking at her.

"No...she wasn't. Actually she is from Sera's school in England. apparently she came in to check up on her," Kendall says watching her.

"So this Killian guy...is he your boyfriend?" Kyara says watching him.

"Kinda, yes...you know what, why does it even matter?" I ask her with a smile on my face.

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