Mika: Family?...

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Beep... beep... beep.... The sound of a machine ringing in my ear. My leg is killing me. Where am I? I open my eyes a blinding white light floods my pupils. I groan. Looking around, I see a blurry mop of blonde hair to my right. I blink rapidly trying to clear my vision.

"Mika! You are awake!" exclaims Serafina.

"What happened? My leg hurts...." I look down to see my left leg in a cast.

"You were in a car accident with Joe. You have been unconscious for three days."

"How is Joe?" I asked concerned.

Serafina hesitates. "Well... Joe is in surgery. They don't know if he will make it because the truck hit his side of the car."

It's my fault. If I would have just gone with Angie or gotten a car, Joe wouldn't be fighting for his life.

"Mika? Mika? Mika!"

"What?" I say absently.

"I know what you are thinking. It is not your fault."

"I am no--"

"Yes you are, don't lie to me. You shouldn't blame yourself and that is exactly what you are doing. It is not your fault it is the truck driver's. He fell asleep at the wheel and ran the red light.'

I sit in silence with Serafina.

"How was England?" I ask changing the subject. Apparently that worked because she went into a detailed description of Oxford and all of the places she had been over the past year. She told me about school and this girl she meet there named Elizabeth. She also tells me about this guy called Jace.

"So you have a boyfriend now?" I say teasingly. I wiggle my eyebrows for emphasis then burst out laughing at her bright red face.

"N-no! I don't him and I are just friends." She protests.

"If you guys were just friends, then why are you blushing so hard? Hmm... Ser?"

She flushes an even darker shade of crimson. "'C-cause it is warm in here! I need to go anyway so here is some of your stuff to keep you busy. You know your laptop, books I brought you from England stuff like that." She hands me my bag and goes towards the door. "See ya later, M. hope you feel better!" I watch her race out of the room and down the hall.

She totally likes him. Right after she walks out of the room, a tall man in nursing scrubs enters accompanied by a doctor.

"Miss Marx, I am Doctor Michaels and this is Nurse Grayson. It is good to see that you are finally awake."

I nod in response to the two of them.

"Is there anything you can tell me about Joe?"

"The man you came in with? He is still in surgery. His injuries were pretty severe. They stabilized him enough to get him into surgery. The rest of his information I am unaware of, because I am not his surgeon." said Doctor Michaels.

"Thank you. Can someone let me know when he is out?"

"We will try," says Grayson with a grin.

"For right now we have to examine you, to see how you are recovering."

They gave me a quick exam and asked me a few questions, then when Doctor Michaels leaves Grayson gives me some pills to take. Then he also left me to my thoughts.

After a few hours of watching TV, Grayson came back in to check on me.

"How're you doing there, Miss Mika? Has any of your family come to see you yet?"

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