Mika: Dreams? Or reality?

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When we get to the masquerade party Serafina and Jace take off towards the dance floor. I limp over in the direction of the chairs, to sit down for a while. I am wearing a red dress that comes to my knees in the front and trails down towards my ankles in the back. It has a corset style bodice with red, black, and purple strings across my middle. As I am sitting there I watch the couple dance the night away. After I while I make my way over to the refreshments table to get myself a drink. On my way back I spot a familiar face.

"Oh, my goodness, Katrina?"


After Katrina and Killian went onto the dance floor, I go back towards my seat as best as I can. As I go I look at all the happy couples and think of Joe and Angie dancing around the living room like they us3ed to. I hope they get to do that again when Joe gets out of the hospital. I take off my mask and continued to daydream as I head back to my seat but run straight into some taller person's chest.

I slowly look up only for my eyes meeting dark blue irises that are open wide in shock. Stuart Marx stands right in front of me. He has a look of confusion and alarm written on his composure. We stay frozen in front of each, not speaking a word until a melodious voice interrupts from behind him.

"Stuart... what are you doing? Stuart?" he turns towards the voice only to unveil Patricia. She looks up at him questionably, but he does not acknowledge her. He continues to stare, until she shifts her attention towards the person who has captured his gaze. Once our eyes met a look of sheer panic races across her features. Her jaw drops open and she tries to speak but instead sputters out incomprehensible phrases.

"You... how can...but I..." she stops speaking and her face closes off into a mask of faux politeness. "Hi, my name is Patricia Marx and who are you?" she says the last part tensely.

"M-mika," I say softly.

"Lovely name. This is my son Stuart." she says gesturing towards him.

"Pleased to meet you." I reply.

"Well, it was nice meeting you but we have to go." she grabs his hand and tries to lead him away. He remains rooted to the spot with a calculating look on his features.

"What is the rush mother?" He says with a glint of curiosity and anger in his eyes he turns back towards me. "I didn't get your last name."

"Well my last name is Marx..."I state very quietly. Patricia looks extremely uncomfortable and turns towards the door. Stuart stops her by stepping in front of her path.

"What was that I didn't quiet hear you." he looks very angry at this point.

"M-marx...." I say in a louder tone.

At first he looks shell shocked then he continues his interrogation of me. "Really? It's kind of funny that we have the same last name. What are your parents' names?"

"I don't have parents, I am an orphan. I have lived at Jedburgh orphanage since I was nine but before that I lived at Berxley orphanage."

"Hmm... how old are you then?" at this point his face is red with fury that was only slightly hidden by his tan skin. Patricia is trying to maneuver around Stuart but he continues to stand in front of her.


"So mother, did you hear that? She is nineteen-years-old, just so happens to look exactly like you and I, and has been living in an orphanage that is within a ten mile radius of our house. Not only that but she has the same last name as us. Isn't it funny how eighteen-years-ago, I had a little sister that suddenly disappeared?"

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