Katrina: Arriving in the Past

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Killian and I wait in the airport, where he is showing he has the worst patience in the world. He's pacing the floor right now, some fancy drink in his hand. I watch very amused at his face, as he makes different faces to whatever he's thinking. I try to hold it back, but a giggle escapes my lips, making him turn his body to me. I pretend to cough and he laughs, flicking my head.

"Hey!" I scold him.

"Yes my dear?" He sticks his tongue out at me and sits down across from me.

"You sure about this?" I ask him for like the hundredth time.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes I would never let you go alone, even if I didn't have the world's biggest crush on you," He gives me a deep, muffled laugh.

"Yeah, well....that's good!" I laugh and throw my head back, letting it rest against the cold seat. I think back to the last time I was in an airport waiting to leave, and how I was sure it was guaranteeing escape. My stomach feels like it's turning, as I realize the reality of going back is more real then I gave it credit for.

"You okay? You look a little tense," Killian asks in a low voice.

"Yeah, just accepting reality," I pull my head down a little bit and look at him. His head is cocked to the side. His silly boy grin, send chills through my spine. His golden eyes search mine, for the lie that I'm telling. I'm scared, but I don't want to worry him.

"You're pretty...." Killian says blowing me a kiss.

I roll my eyes, reaching out with my leg to kick him. He catches my foot and takes me shoe.

"Hey!" I complain and jump up to get my shoe back. Killian grabs my arms and pulls me down on his lap. He wraps his arms around stomach and leans up to my ear.

"You want your shoe back?" He asks making me shiver.

"Yes! I do," I hurry up and grab my shoe, standing up and putting it back on.

All of a sudden a voice comes over a loudspeaker for our plane. I stand up and Killian grabs my hand leading me out to the plane.

I must've fallen asleep. When I open my eyes, I'm leaning on Killian and his arm is around me. He studies the clouds outside the window, not paying attention.

"Hey," I hardly manage to say.

"Hi, you're up," Killians say pulling a piece of hair back off my face.

"Yeah, how long was I asleep for?" I yawn, snuggling my head up into his chest.

"Three hours at the most. Not long though, you missed the potential landing because of a storm. I didn't think it was necessary to wake you up for that though," he tilts his head down a little and slowly moves my face up to his. Just as he's pulling me into kiss me we both get jerked forward. "You've got to be kidding me!" Killian turns around and yells at the kid behind us, "Listen I didn't spend almost a thousand dollars for you too sit here and torture me! Keep your feet down or else I swear-"

I grab his face and kiss him. "Shhhh, don't be such a negative Nancy," I tell him smiling.

"What if I am? You going to kiss me again?" Killian give me an angry face.

"Nope I won't kiss you at all. Anymore." I say, curling back up into him.

"Fine, I'll be nice," he says relaxing again.

I close my eyes and let myself drift back to sleep.

This time however, my dreams come back to haunt me.

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