Serafina: The Funeral

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Mika, Jace, Angie, and I are the first few to Joe's funeral, aside from the pastor and Joe himself. Mika and I are standing by Joe's casket. Mika hasn't said anything all day, and she looks sad. I put an arm around her to show her that I'm here for her.

"I know you and Joe were really close, so I'll be here as long as you need me to be, okay?" I say giving her a side hug.

She nods, keeping up her silence. I smile sadly and walk away to go talk to Jace. As I am walking toward him I stop to look up at the sky. It was sunny earlier, but now it's just grey and dull. I hope it gets lighter again. I'm thinking to myself when two hands cover my eyes. They are soft and feminine.

"Guess who," I hear a silky voice say from just behind my head. I can smell a sweet perfume and gasp when I realize who it is. I turn and give her a hug.

"Elizabeth! You know, you didn't have to come to the funeral." I say this and pull back from the hug to look at her. Her blond hair covers her face with the green highlights still clearly visible, and she is wearing a form-fitting black dress.

"If it's so important to you, of course I would show up. I mean, you're my best friend, and the college was getting pretty boring without you, also my parents kicked me out again." She says with a shrug.

"Of course there is an ulterior motive with you, Elizabeth." I say laughing slightly. I don't really know why her parents kick her out of the house so much, but I'm sure she will tell me sometime.

Looking over at Jace I see that he's talking to Killian now. When did they get here? I must have been to focused on Elizabeth. Realizing that the procession is about to start I decide to go get Jace to sit down.

Turning to Elizabeth I say, "I am going to go get Jace. When you sit, could you get us some seats please?"

She nods and I turn to go get him. When I get to where he is I see that Killian and he aren't talking anymore. Slowing down my pace, because I don't have to try to get them to stop talking anymore, I turn to look at where Elizabeth is seated. She keeps looking over her shoulder and around every so often as if she's looking for someone. She could be trying to hide something too.... No, that's impossible. She's your good friend you shouldn't doubt her.

I jump slightly when someone touches my shoulder. I guess I was too focused on Elizabeth. I peek out of the corner of my eye to see who it is, and I see Jace.

"What were you looking at so intensely?" He asks chuckling charmingly at my shock. He seems to surprise me a lot. I shake my head to clear my thoughts before answering.

"Sorry, I was just watching Elizabeth. Was she always that jumpy?" I ask as we make our way to our seats.

"No she wasn't. Seems like it just started when she came to America." He says casting a glance her way.

I shrug this all off and go sit watching the funeral procession. Throughout the whole thing I try to tune Elizabeth's actions out. She's still looking for a person who I can't see.


Once the funeral is officially over I decide to introduce Katrina and Elizabeth. I don't think that they will get along, but it is still proper to introduce them.

"Elizabeth, this is one of my good friends Katrina. Katrina, this is Elizabeth." I say once we get there. I'd rather not waste any time with frivolities. They are slow as they reach for each other's hand. It seems that Elizabeth is slower when it comes to accepting the handshake than Katrina.

"A pleasure to meet you, Katrina. Do you live in New Orleans?" Elizabeth asks. She sounds genuinely curious, but that is how she is so I make no note of it.

"It's home, but no I don't. I go to college in Australia at the University of Queensland," Katrina replies. Her answer is clipped and short. She must be trying not to give Elizabeth too much information. Must be because of the way she's been acting.

"You don't plan on moving back here do you? I mean wh-"

"Why would it matter to you?" Katrina cuts her off before she can finish her thought.

"Oh honey, I could care less what you do... in fact, do what you want. I was just making conversation."

Of course she took offense to it. As Elizabeth walks away my inner self is flaring. Katrina shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I turn to her.

"Katrina, don't you think that was kind of rude?" I reprimand her. "I mean she's my friend... Don't you think you should be a little nicer? She only came here to comfort me because of Joe's death," I finish before thinking to myself; But how did she know about his death. Did I tell her without realizing?

"I'm sorry.... I jumped to conclusions and didn't give her a chance. My apologies." She takes a step towards me and smiles sadly. She has her hands in the air in surrender.

I sigh, resigned. "It's okay, I'm not mad at you. Mika, Jace and I are going back to Jedburgh. You are welcome to come if you want."

"Thanks. We might be a little late. Ki wanted to stop back at the hotel and grab his camera. Maybe even grab a bite." She takes Killian's arm and pulls him back. They walk up to a taxi that has been waiting for them, and then they pull away.

I turn and see Elizabeth watching them put Joe's casket in the ground. Mika is watching too, and deciding between the two of them, I go up to Mika and smile bringing her to my car.

"Let's go back to the orphanage now." She looks at me and nods silently again. She looks over to Elizabeth quickly before she gets into the car. Jace comes over, and we both get into the car to leave. Elizabeth stays. I don't know when I'll see her again, but I wonder what it will be like. It will probably be horrible.

I drive back to the orphanage in silence. No one says a word on this sad, sad day.

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