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"You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why! SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN," I sing in the passenger side of the car to Killian. We are driving to Mr. Graves house, Mika's grandfather, he is having a Christmas party for the student body. Serafina says it cause he doesn't know who is and isn't friends, so he invited everyone.

"Why do I put up with you, cutie?" Killian asks, winking at me.

"Um, you love me? Duh," I giggle and stick my tongue out at him. I'm wearing a sparkly red dress, with white panty hose, and my favorite pair of black boots. Killian wears a black and white tux, that really makes him look handsome. My hair hangs loose in my face, while Killian's is pulled back.

When we pull up to Mr. Graves house, Christmas lights illuminate the front of his house. Cars are parked all the way up the driveway. I recognize Jace's car, as well as Sera's and Mika's. Killian and I grab the present out of the back of the car, we had bought for Mrs. Graves. Inside the house is dressed in red and lit up with Christmas lights, a huge tree is the center of attention in the living room. Kids from school stop to talk to Killian and I before going on their way.

Killian stops to talk to Jace, and I go in the living room to talk with Serafina. She's standing at the tree staring at the lights and bulbs.

"Hey, how are you? Did you see Jace is here?" I ask hugging her.

"Yes I did, thank you," she says giggling.

"He looks very handsome...wouldn't you say?" I giggle quietly, as she starts to blush.

"Ye-um I mean. su-...YES HE DOES! HE'S PERFECT!" she looks at him talking to Killian.

"Yeah, oh and I forgot to tell you, Mika was looking for you. Said she needed your help or something?" I look at her trying not to laugh, or else I'll give us away. Mika, Killian, and I decided we have had enough of Sera and Jace's awkwardness and we want to put a stop to it. Killian is going to tell Jace that Marcus needs him, Marcus is in the living room with Sera and I. While I tell Sera that Mika needs her. Our plan is to have their paths cross at the door, then Mika is going to jump around the corner with a mistletoe. Making them get over their shy awkwardness and finally kiss.

Sera goes to walk through the doorway as Jace is coming towards her. I smile at Killian, the plan is working. I see Mika jump up, and as she is going to place the mistletoe above them she slips and falls and lands in the middle of them. Jace and Sera both look at the mistletoe in her hand, and then at each other.

"Killian, tell you weren't planning on setting up Serafina and I?" Jace asks looking only at him.

"Listen it wasn't my idea, and trust me I didn't want an angry girlfriend on my hands," Killian holds his hands up in surrender. "But, hey...if you're not going to use it I will!" Killian picks up the mistletoe, holding it above his head. He grabs me and loops an arm around me back and kisses me. I try not to giggle, but it doesn't phase him. "See man don't be a coward about it," Killian says winking at him.

"I'm not a coward!"

"Uh huh. Sure you arn-"

Jace looks up and grabs Sera's face with gentleness and kisses her. She tenses up, but then relaxes into his touch and places a hand on his chest. The room and house erupts with shouts, and whoops of encouragement. Sera laughs and goes to pull away, but kisses him again, smiling.

"So, coward, huh?" Jace says nudging Killian.

"I'll hand it to ya man...that was smooth," the boys high five each other. Sera stands there looking like a little girl who just got to meet her celebrity crush.

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