Serafina: Oxford

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I'm sitting on a large cushioned chair in the library

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I'm sitting on a large cushioned chair in the library. It's warm, and I'm comfortable, courtesy of the blanket wrapped around me. I don't want to get up because the book I'm reading is amazing. I just started it maybe ten minutes ago. I look up from my book and instantly wish I didn't. The moment I stop reading, I remember I have a lot of homework for my writing class. Groaning, I stand up. I then look around to see if anyone had heard me. The library answers me with silence, proving that I am indeed alone. There is no one here. I sigh, smiling to myself, and set off into the library to seek the books I need to reference.

I finally find the book and am dismayed that I have to look up at it. I sigh again as I realize I'm too short to reach it. I stand on the toes of my boots trying to at least touch it the bottom of it as my blonde hair cascades around my face. I am just about able to reach the book when another hand pulls it out from just above my fingers. This hand is more masculine, and I can hear a small alluring chuckle coming from behind me. This startles me because I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. I fall back almost knocking the person behind me over, but he catches me. I turn around, daring to peek at him.

I immediately notice his hair. It is longer than most guys. It's just long enough for him to put up in a small ponytail. His bangs are long and frame his beautiful grey eyes. After what feels like hours of staring at him, I notice that he has righted me so that I am no longer falling. At least I'm not falling for him anymore. I think to myself. It takes me another moment to see that he's trying to say something.

"What did you say?" I ask snapping out of my daze.

He chuckles again.

"I was asking if you were alright. You seemed kind of scared for a moment and looked like you might pass out. Not that girls do pass out around me or anything."

I nod knowing that I probably should have said something, but I'm mesmerized by his eyes. He smiles, looking amused, and I realize that my nodding must have worked as a good enough answer. He hands me the book and walks away waving. I stand there staring in that direction for a little bit longer. Then, I smile sheepishly to myself and go back to my seat.

I try to read again for a while, but I keep getting sidetracked. I sit there staring into space thinking about him when I realize that I didn't even get his name. I put my face in my hand and groan again. This time though, when I groan, I hear someone giggle. I know that giggle. I look at the seat to my right and see a girl with long straight blonde hair. It has blue and green highlights in it. "Elizabeth. What are you doing here?"

She smiles, laughing a bit, and says, "I'm laughing at you. Isn't that obvious, my dear Serafina?"

I sigh and shake my head. "I don't see why you think it necessary to laugh at me. It's not like I'm doing anything."

"On the contrary. You ran into a boy, and now you can't even focus on the book you are reading. How uncharacteristic of you."

"Yeah, as if that could happen to me. It just sounds like one of the romance stories I've read. Plus, I don't even know his name."

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