Katrina: Opening up

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    People chatter all around me, distracting me from my own problem

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People chatter all around me, distracting me from my own problem. I think back to last weekend when I went out hiking with Killian. I recall the story he told me, and how we just sat around all weekend silently watching nature. We talked about school, other classmates, the way we felt about such and such assignments. Never once though did Killian ask me to share about my past, like he had his. Which for some reason made me feel really guilty, I mean he was just so open and vulnerable with me. He found safety in me and I feel like, like I haven't found safety in anyone at all. I mean I want to open up and tell him, but I don't know how.

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling, the morning sun pours in through my window. Outside traffic bustles through the streets, people are already up and going about their days. I get up and decide to get dressed, pulling on my favorite pair of jeans and a maroon v-neck. I pull my hair up in a messy bun and put on some eyeliner to make my eyes pop. I go for a walk in the park to try and get my mind off what to do. I realize now that focusing so much on not thinking about it, Killian is the only thing I can think about.

I head back to my dorm and grab my backpack, with my mind made up. I'm going to Killian's and I'm going to be honest with him. I check my email first and sees there's a message from my grandmother, letting me know that the girls are okay and doing great. I smile, glad that they get to grow up and live a life that will bring them nothing but success hopefully.

I get in my car and drive out of Brisbane, to the 'country' of Australia. I trade the building and honking horns, for a quiet calm setting. As I drive to Killian's I consider turning around, I don't want him to think I feel like I owe him. I just need to let it out.

I pull up to Killian's house a small log cabin with a stream in the front. Huge trees grow all around the house, making it a little more menacing than warm. I walk up to the door and knock, keeping my head down. I hear a dog bark and step back as the door opens, Killian stands there holding back a tail wagging german shepard. I look up and smile at Killian, reaching my hand out to the dog.

"Oh, hey? I didn't know you were coming over. Come on come in, it's getting late." Killian pulls on the dogs collar then whistles, "Rocky, come."

"Thanks, this place it definitely more cozy inside than it is outside," I look around. His house has a nice little kitchen, with an island bar running through the middle. He has a black leather sectional outlining his living room and a coffee table in the middle of the room. A shelf of CD's and movies line the wall, as well as a decent size tv.

"You live here, but yet you still decided to always occupy my bed when you come over?" I laugh at him.

He stands there in jeans and no shirt, taking in the fact his dreads is wet, I'm sure he just got out of the shower. I keep my eyes on his face so I don't make it awkward. I can tell he's purposely not wearing shirt, because his face shows nothing but amusement. He stands there tying his dreads back off his face. I shake my head at him, rolling my eyes.

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