Before the Dream Ends

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I can't believe any of this is happening! I just wanted a nice vacation, however now I'm dealing with some psychotic freak! I pace around in my room and try to focus on a way to fix all of this. If we run we'll look guilty, if we stay we can get in some major trouble. Unfortunately we are stuck...even if we tried to leave, would they let us?

"Worrying isn't going to help may as well just wait it out," Killian sits on the edge of the bed his leg shaking as he stares out the window.

"These are my friends and our lives...."

"Yes, but you don't think it'll work itself out?" He looks at me.

"She murdered her own husband for money! And now she wants to blame and get rid of us. I'm sorry I have some good things going for me and I don't want it all thrown away, so some widow can collect her inheritance and make bank," I cross my arms and look at him.

"You're overreacting,"


There's a knock on our door. "Katrina are you in there?"

I go open the door, Sera stands there looking nervous. I move so she can come it, of course it's Serafina.

"Whats up?" Killian asks standing up.

"Mika...she sent a text to Elizabeth to meet her at Breakoff Ridge at seven-thirty. Elizabeth left and said she was going sight seeing and would be back later. I checked my phone to message you and apologize...there was a text to Elizabeth I didn't send," Serafina paces around her face in her hands.

"Okay take a deep breath, we need to figure out if that's where Elizabeth even went," I look at Killian for help.

"Well listen how about I stay here and you two go and see if you can find them and stop anything before it gets started," Killian hands me my jacket.

"Yeah he's right we should go," Sera looks at me.

"Okay...okay, let's go," I take my jacket and put it on. I hug Killian before I leave.

Sera's car has a bunch of Jace's things in it. We don't say anything to each other, I know our minds are in the same place though. Who's to blame? Who did it? What's going to happen?

When we get to the cliff we see Elizabeth's car first. Up the hill however, we see Mika and Elizabeth. Sera and I jump out of here car and start running.

"Elizabeth! Mika! What are you guys doing?" Sera yells at them.

"Sera don't! Don't come any closer I don't want you involved in any of this. I like you, please don't make me ruin your life," Elizabeth says grabbing Mika, pushing her to the edge.

"Elizabeth whats going on?" Sera tries to plead with her.

"They were right, but you see, you guys weren't supposed to be at the house the night of the fire. Only one who was supposed to die was Stuart and Mika. Yes I married wasn't for money at first. He was a nice man, and power hungry. His power and hunger drove mine, by the end of it I needed the money. I didn't want family, I wanted power, wealth...a man. You see you never share the same dream...because of that I had to make sure my dream was the only dream he or I would see. Katrina honey you weren't supposed to come back, and you did. Since you did, you guys were the perfect pawns for the fire it would seem almost logical, don't you think? Mika an angry sister betrayed, wanted nothing more than revenge...anger against her friends, family and herself. I guess that would be the perfect murder case. No one would've expected the lonely sad widow. You had to go digging through my stuff, placing your nose where it doesn't belong. So now I have to fix everything!" She jerks Mika back again.

"Stop!" I yell at her.

"Does this make you nervous? Maybe remind you of...Marcus?" She snickers a evil smile.

I don't think just run and tackle her. Mika jumps back and Sera runs to her. I roll on the ground with Elizabeth, she stand up and looks at me. When I go to stand up I feel a foot in my stomach, Elizabeth kicks me and sends me backwards. The force of her kick sends her over the cliff, on her way over she grabs Mikas foot, making her trip, pulling her down with her.

Sera grabs Mika's hand and grabs a rock trying to hold them both.

I try to get up and help them, but my body refuses to move. No. this can't be happening. My's all my fault.

I watch as Sera's face fills with fear as her hands slips. I hear the screams of Elizabeth, Mika, and Serafina. My hands go to my ears trying to block out the noise as their bodies hit whatever is beneath them.

Everything goes dark and I have no idea where I am. "Katrina,'s time to switch classes. Come on."

I open my eyes and see Killian standing before me. His smile is bright and his hair is pulled back.  

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