Serafina: Back to New Orleans

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"Elizabeth, I don't know how to ask him to come with me! What should I do?" I'm sitting on her bed and freaking out. I've decided that I'm going to go back to New Orleans to see my friends this Halloween. I've also decided that I will be asking Jace to come with me back to the United States.

Elizabeth shrugs.

"I don't know, just ask him. It's not like you will see him for a while if he says 'no.'"

I groan and lean back. "I wish I could just talk to him. I haven't talked to him since the cafe. I'm still mad at you by the way. I can't believe that you knew he was going to be there, and you still wanted me to go with you. You even made sure it was like a date!"

"How else were you going to be able to talk? Plus that was like a week ago," she says, and I give her a shove in reply. "Seriously though, I think you should just ask him. You need to do it today because your flight leaves tomorrow!"

I nod understanding what she is saying. "I will try, but I don't even have his phone number. How will I get in contact with him?"

She sighs. "Must I do everything for you?" She pulls her cell phone out of her pocket, and before I can stop her, she has already sent him a text.

She looks up from her phone and smiles at me saying, "Well now that that's out of the way, I can show you what I really invited you here for!" She gets off her bed and pulls me over to the door of her closet. "Now close your eyes. It's a surprise."

I obey and close my eyes. I listen as the closet door opens and then hear the rustling of the clothing fabric. "Can I open my eyes up?" I ask this after all the noises stop.

"Yep," she says sounding cheerful.

I open my eyes to see that she is holding a long emerald green strapless dress with gold designs on the bodice. There are two sleeves not attached to the dress that have tops to match the bodice. From there is goes down to just above your fingertips, and the bottom comes to a point going past your hand.

"Wow," I say breathless. "It's gorgeous."

I take a step closer to it and look at the swirly patterns of the gold. I run a hand over the dress feeling the silky material.

"I was hoping you would like it. I did a little research and found out there is a masquerade ball where you are going. I also bought a mask, but I will give that to you later." She hangs the dress back up in its bag before closing the closet door and taking her phone out of her pocket.

"Jace said that he would like to meet up with you again. Do you want to meet here, or at the cafe again?"

"We can meet at the cafe, but only if you stay this time!" I give her a pointed look.

"Fine. But you are paying." She says laughing at my look.

"Okay deal." I smile at her.

"Well then let's go. I already told him to meet us there."

With that we leave her apartment and head towards the cafe for the second time this week.


"Now boarding flight 211 to New Orleans," a loud voice says over an intercom.

I pick up my carry-on bag, filled with paper and pencils, and look over at Jace.

"That's us." I say standing up. I hug my bag to my chest and smile. "Th-thanks for coming with me."

He shrugs and stands up beside me.

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