Katrina: Officer Dougley

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Officers have come to the conclusion that the burning of the old victorian house was arson. They are suspecting that there were people in the house. The upstairs window wasn't broken, but opened. They think that it was a homicide attempt, they have no leads only theories. If you have any information please call the P.D. of New Orleans-any information would be useful and of great help.

I watch as the news reporter gives this information.

"Guess that does it we are turning ourselves in. This... this is just crazy!"

"Are you crazy?" I look at Killian with death glare.

"We have to try and figure out what happened and who set the fire!"

I don't respond back to him, I look out the window. Police? Dougley...Officer Dougley. Help, yes he could help us and we wouldn't have to worry.

"I have a plan," I stand up and grab Killian's hand and lead him out the door.

"Whoah! Wanna tell me what we are doing first?" Killian stops and pulls away.

"I know this officer-"

"You said 'no police,' so why would we do that?"

"He's different. Just trust me? Please?" I plead with him.

"Fine. Take me to your leader," Killian says placing a hand over his eyes, holding out his hand.

I take Killian to a large house with a huge gate in the front of it. A water fountain sits in front of the house and a huge garden lays in the yard, majestic flowers occupy the ground. I look around and it still looks the same...big and beautiful. It would be a little girl's dream come true for a life size barbie doll house.

"Where in the world did you bring me? Listen I'm done breaking and entering, I refuse to be caught in another fire," Killian steps away from me, hands up in surrender.

"We aren't breaking and entering...we are going to visit an old friend of min-"

"No way! All of your friends seem crazy," Killian looks at me.

"Just trust me...or you could stand out here and be by yourself...." I look at Killian smiling.

He just rolls his eyes, I laugh and walk up to the buzz box. Hitting the buzzer I listen for a response. "Hello? How can we help you?"

"Um, hi we were just looking for Mr. Dougley...If you could tell him it's Katrina Jai please?" I wait for him to say something.

The gate opens with no response, a tall man comes out of the door and beckons us to him.

"Nice to meet you I'm Austin Dougley, Andrew Dougley's son. He was very shocked to hear it was you at his front door, but he said to let you in. Please come in and keep your shoes on."

"Thank you, I don't think we've met?" I look at him, "I'm Katrina and this is Killian."

"So I've heard...well at least about you Katrina. My father always spoke highly of you. He was sad to see you go, but proud you made it as far as you did."

Austin leads us to a small office, that looks more like a small library. Officer Dougley sits across the room behind a desk. He looks up and smile, I swear I see tears pull at his eyes. I go and hug him.

"Katrina. Wow, look at you," Officer Dougley holds me at arm's length. "So grown up. If you don't' mind me asking, why are you here?"

"I needed help and advice, we may have gotten ourselves in a little situation," I watch him look to Killian. "Oh yeah this is Killian, I met him at UQ. He prompted me to come back, but I told him only with his company."

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