Serafina: Pancakes

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"Isn't it a little hard to drive in a dress?" I hear from the backseat.

Jace is once again complaining about the fact that I am the one getting to drive. The masquerade ended about a half-hour ago. I'm in the process of driving Mika, Jace, and myself back to the orphanage. We saw Katrina at the party, and I am kind of surprised that she's not staying in the orphanage with us. It must be because she wants some alone time with her boyfriend.

Mika got discharged from the hospital earlier today, which is why she gets to come home with us. I'm wondering how Angie will take it. When we talked earlier, she didn't sound like she was in the mood to talk to Mika for a while yet, since Joe's death.

"It may be a bit irregular, but it beats walking," I say smoothly in reply to Jace's question. He's probably just jealous that Mika gets to sit up front while she is using crutches.

"Well I could always drive instead of you," he says.

Mika shakes her head at our little fight. We have been doing this all night, even before the party. She looks out the window a hand to her temple.

"You guys fight like an old married couple. It's giving me a headache, so please SHUT UP!"

"Yeah Jace, shut up and let me drive," I say while blushing. Then Mika and I laugh. For the most part I've gotten used to talking to Jace without stuttering. It's probably because I'm comfortable around him; I don't feel like I need to be nervous or anything.

It's silent the rest of the way to the orphanage. Once we get there we go into the orphanage trying to be silent so as not to wake up Angie. She gets grumpy when she's tired. We all go to our rooms. Jace has his own, with one of the older boys who hasn't been adopted yet, and Mika and I go to the room we will be sharing once again.

"It's just like old times," she says when she comes in the room and looks around.

"Yeah I even have the same pictures hanging up again."

She smiles and goes to the bunk beneath mine and sits down. I go over to our dresser and get out my pajamas; a tank top and fuzzy pants with little hedgehogs all over.

"Do you need help with your dress, Mika?" I ask. She nods and I help her unzip it enough that she can get the rest, then go to the bathroom to change. When I get back, Mika is asleep and the lights are off. I smile to myself before climbing into the bed above her.

I got to dance with Jace today. That was so fun! I think to myself before falling asleep.


Today Jace and I have plans to meet up with Katrina and Killian at the Street Front Cafe. It's been so long since I've seen her, so I am super excited. I look at the clock when I wake up and see that it is already ten-o'clock, which means that I only have an hour to get ready and get over there. Good thing it's right down the street.

What is with me and living so close to cafes? I look beneath me to see that Mika is still asleep. I'll let her sleep in today. She probably didn't sleep very well when she was in the hospital, despite being unconscious for a few days. I get out of bed quietly and go to get changed for the day.

After I get changed into a large red knit sweater, I go and put my pajamas on my bed. On my way to the kitchen I bump into Jace. He must have just woken up because his hair is all messed up.

"Goodmorning," he says in a way that only guys can when they wake up. His British accent shows through too, and I smile at the beautiful sound.

"Mornin'," I say in reply. "I'm going to make some pancakes before we go to the cafe. You want some?"

He smiles at me and nods. With that we walk to the kitchen.

Once we got there, I set to making the pancake batter. Jace stands there awkwardly.

"Can I help, or do I just have to stand there?" He asks this reaching for the flour.

"No. You can't help. This is my treat."

"But, I want to help...."

"You need to let me do this for you. Just sit down.

"So I can't help?"


I'm not looking at him while we are talking, in fact, I'm only focusing on the batter. All of a sudden there is a puff of white in my face. I'm blinded, so I turn to where I think Jace is.

"Jace," I start incredulously, "did you just throw flour in my face?"

I wipe the powder out of my eyes and start to glare at him. In response to my question he holds up his hands, which are caked in flour, and grins. On the inside, I'm furious, but on the outside I smile so as to fool him.

I turn back to my batter and take the spoon, stirring it a little. After pretending like I'm actually working on it for a bit, I take a huge scoop out of the bowl and fling it at him. It flies past his cheek, only leaving a small mark. He smiles, mocking me.

"You missed," he says still smiling.

"No I didn't, I got some on your cheek."

After I say this, an all out war begins. Pancake batter flies in every which way, this made the kitchen's cleanliness look disheveled. It isn't long before we hear a yawn coming from outside the doorway. We both freeze and look towards the door. Jace's roommate comes in. His hair is ruffled, and his glasses are askew.

"H-hi Levi," I say in a nervous manner.

"Hey guys. Angie was looking for you." After he says this he looks around the kitchen for the first time since he got here. Seeing all the batter strewn about he asks, "What were you guys doing in here?"

"N-nothing," I say hastily.

"Okay. So Jace said that Mika was back." He rubs the back of his neck nervously, blushing quite a bit. "Is she with you guys?"

"No, sorry. She's still asleep."

"Oh. Okay. Well I have to go. Bye." With that he leaves the room.

Jace and I look at each other.

"I think he likes her." I say with a smile.

"No, really?" He asks sarcastically. "He wouldn't shut up about her all last night."

"Yep. He likes her. And you don't have to be so sarcastic about it. For that you can't help me make pancakes anymore."

"I wasn't even allowed to help in the first place!"

"Precisely." I turn around and continue to make my pancakes, before I have to go out to the cafe to meet up with Katrina.

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