Waking Up

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Elizabeth grabs my ankle and I struggle to take hold of the cliff side. Serafina clasps my hand, but with Elizabeth holding on, it pulls her over the edge as well. She manages to catch onto the peak with one hand and I struggle to kick Elizabeth off of me. If I don't get her off she will pull us all over. I look down seeing the crashing of the waves and jagged rocks. In the ridges face was a large tree branch leaning out over the water. I don't want her to fall in the water but if I do this right I might be able to knock her down on to the tree branch below. Elizabeth loses her grip on my ankle and falls onto the branch. She grasps the tree's branch and slow climbs up making her way back up towards us. I cling to sera's waist, freeing her other hand. She grips the cliffside with both hands. I am starting to slide down as sera struggles to hold our combined weight.

"Mika! I'm slipping can you climb up?" I began inching my way up and over to the edge trying to help her maintain her hold on the rock face. I clutch the rocky surface the rock shredding my skin. We inch our way up almost over the edge when the edge crumbles beneath our fingertips. I shut my eyes and scream in terror as; we plummet down to meet with the sharp rock and icy water.

The screaming turns into the ringing of the school bell signaling the end of class. Wait what is going on? Where am I? The teacher is trying to telling the student about information for the next test but they ignore him. I look towards the back of the room, where Killian and Katrina are gathering up their things.

"Mika!" the teacher stood in the front of the room and beckoned me over to his desk.

"Yes, Mr. Graves."

"Please stop falling asleep in my class. What would your grandmother say?"

"You know very well what she would say. You have been married to her for forty years grandpa."

"Mika...." He sighs and gives me a disapproving stare.

"Alright alright geez..."

"Thank you, now get to class."

"See ya, gramps!" I say as I leave the room.

"Wait take Sera with you she is off in la la land again."

I look over to see Serafina gazing out the window. She is probably daydreaming about Jace again. I pick up an eraser off the one desk and chuck it at her. "Sera!" it hits her in the nose startling her, and causing her to fall out of her chair. She looks up from the floor and gives me a glare. "Come on we have to go."

As we walk down the hall sera continues to pout. "Oh come on we have to change classes you should just ask him out already."

She blushes and looks away from me. "You should stop sleeping in class M. your gram is gonna flip out on you and your grandfather if you keep doing it. Then you'll be sent back to your mother."

"That's not likely to be good for anyone involved. You know that she has a new boyfriend every other day."

"Well what about your brother? What would he think?"

I remain silent as I think of Stuart. "He is always with his girlfriend now so it doesn't really matter."

"That's why you need to behave so you can stay with you grandparents."

"Alright alright I will behave, mother." I say mockingly.

"Good." She says ignoring my sarcasm. "So, what were you dreaming of? You looked really scared when you woke up."

"It's a long story...."  

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