Katrina: Coffee, fire, and who?

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The aroma of my cappuccino rises from my cup, my body goes warm from the scent of pumpkin. Outside there's a small chill and people all around wear light sweaters. I watch from the window seat as Killian argues with the barista about his Chai Tea and how exactly it should taste. I snicker at him knowing his bratty Australian boy attitude is coming out. The barista, a shy girl, no more than sixteen, looks flushed and nervous. I mean what do you do when a hot Australian is arguing with you?

I decided not to let her suffer any longer and go over to settle Killian down. "I'm sorry about him. He seems to have forgotten not everything is his way," I say giving him an annoyed look.

"It's not me! I haven't forgotten anything! I-"

"Now, just a second Killian. Look at this poor girl. You really got her flustered. She was just doing her job." I motion towards the girl. "You know how it is? It's early and he's cranky. Don't mind him." I give her a small wave goodbye and lead Killian back to the seat.

"That wasn't necessary. I was handling things just fine! I mean what if someone famous came in here? You can't just have her screwing up orders!" Killian says flailing his arms around.

I know he's joking around when he looks up with a devious boyish smile playing on his lips. I roll my eyes, pulling my knees up to my chest, and take a sip of my pumpkin flavored cappuccino. I watch out the window waiting for Serafina and that boy Jace to show up. Who I'm pretty sure is her boyfriend, but I can't tell.

I watch Killian flip through a pamphlet on nearby attractions and hiking trails. His blonde hair is tied in a knot at the back of his head, and his golden eyes skim the page. I know he finds something of interest when a smile grows on his face. He looks up and shows me a flyer that says "MASQUERADE PARTY TONIGHT." The door opens and Serafina walks in with Jace behind her. I smile and wave them over.

Killian greets them both with a shy smile, holding a hand out to Jace. Killian scooches over to me making room for Serafina and Jace. Almost instantly the boys started chattering away about the unique town of New Orleans.

I figured boys would be boys and, of course, not give two thoughts as to what Serafina and I were doing or talking about. Coming to this conclusion, I gave Serafina a look. Then I looked back to Jace and made it very obvious I was asking if they were together. Serafina blushed and gave me a small nod. She then mimics the same motion to inquire about me and Killian. I give her a very satisfied nod.

Killian must've known what we were talking about because he leaned back and placed an arm around my shoulder.

"So, England huh?" I asked Serafina.

"Yes! England, it's great. Great! But, you know I don't really get out much. The library tends to be a huge fan of my undivided attention," Serafina remarks getting a low deep chuckle from Jace.

"I could only imagine! Koalas and kangaroos seem to get the best of my attention when studying calls my name," I say jokingly.

"Ha! Here I thought I was distracting," Killian says, moving his arm off my shoulders and pretending to pout. I roll my eyes and give him a small shove.

"Last I was aware you....You weren't coming back?" Serafina asks studying my face.

"Well last time I was aware you were gone too. We all know the love I have for this city. I mean it holds my past captive in an ugly cell. Though, that doesn't mean there's not beauty beyond the ugliness," I look out the window at the old water damaged, abandoned buildings. "There's no way I'd never not come back. This place is my home. It always calls to me."

"Fair enough," Jace says looking past my words and into the emotions of my mind.

"You know what would be just great?" Killian asks looking all excited.

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