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"Oh Stuart. Poor thing." I sit on the bed while looking at a picture of him before continuing, "maybe if you hadn't fallen for my charm you would be alive today. Oh well." I say before throwing the picture over my shoulder. It falls underneath the bed.

The cleaning ladies can take care of that. They aren't the only ones who will be taking care of things. Once Mika, Katrina, and Killian are arrested for arson that will take care of me securing my fortune. I'll make sure to keep Sera and Jace out of it though.

I take my cellphone out of my pocket as it buzzes. "Ooh Sera is texting me! I wonder what it could be about."

As I look at the message I grow confused. "Break-off Ridge? Where's that? Strange, I'll look it up. After all, it's just Serafina. She trusts me too much to try anything stupid."

I take out my laptop and quickly look up directions to this Break-off Ridge. Once I get them I look at the time. Seven. Good I'll get there early then. I do like Serafina despite what certain people might think. Like that Katrina girl.

Before heading out the door I stop and look in the mirror. My blonde hair looks great, as it's supposed to. I pay enough for it to look perfect at all times. I wonder how Jace and Sera are getting along. I wonder if my set-ups have worked yet or not. I brush my hair over my shoulder quickly before grabbing my key-card and purse.

When I close my door and turn to the hallway in the hotel I see a small girl across the way. I smile brightly at her with perfectly straight teeth, which I've also paid enough for. She looks startled before closing her own door. I purse my lips when I hear the clicking sound of the lock.

"That little brat," I say grimacing and throwing my hair over my shoulder. Oh well I can't be bothered by it now, I'm going to see my sweet, sweet Sera. I smile, once again cheery, and head on my way to Break-off Ridge again.

Once I'm outside the hotel I walk over to my car, looking over my shoulder for anyone who might be following me. Seeing no one suspicious I also glance over at the butcher's shop. I see the owner looking out the window and smile at him giving a small almost unnoticeable nod. He nods back.

I get into my car and, using the GPS on my phone, I get to Break-off Ridge quickly. I park my car and get out, going to the top of the hill to wait for my dearest friend to get here. After waiting for a bit, I get bored and start to pace. I check the time on my phone over and over. 7:28, 7:29, then finally 7:30. I hear footsteps and look to where they are coming from.

All I can see is a flashlight. It has gotten too dark to see properly. A cold wind blows, and where I should see a silhouette of long flowing hair blowing I only see short choppy hair lifting slightly. It's not Serafina.

"Who's there?" I ask trying to get a better look at the person behind the light.

"Sorry I used Serafina's phone to get to you, but I had to make sure you'd come."

"That doesn't answer my question. Who is it? Katrina, the nosy brat?"

"No, it's Mika. Katrina told me you killed Stuart. Is that true?" In answer to her question I smile evilly.

"Who else would? Of course I had to, you see. Would you like to know why?"

"Yes. He was my brother, of course I would like to know. Even if we didn't really know each other very well." She replies to my own questions.

"It all started this past summer. Just a few months ago. He fell in love with my looks, such a shallow gent. But I, I fell in love with his money." My smile widens wickedly. "Money, that's what makes the world go 'round. Don't you know? You can do anything with money, and I, I do anything for money.

"Like I said. It started a couple months ago," I start only to be cut off by Mika.

"Are you going to start one of those evil villain backstories?" She asks.

"Yes, and you are going to listen to it." Mika groans in response. "So as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I met Stuart a couple months ago. This was before I started going to Oxford, and before I met Serafina. I was still in my homeland, Ireland. He was there on vacation for a bit. His mother had given him money to go explore the world. Little did she know that he would find love on his trip.

"I had been kicked out of my house for the third time that week. My parents thought I had a money spending problem. I would buy mainly clothes and shoes. I would make sure to order the finest clothes I could. After all our family was rich, it had been for a long long time. The urge to spend money went through me. Soon I stopped buying only clothes, and worked on my actual appearance. Hairstylists came to the house everyday, and they weren't cheap either. Who wants a cheap stylist? I also had people to change my eye color, from a boring blue to an extravagant and more rare color, green.

"My parents had had enough, so they cut off my spending, and kicked me out. That was when I met Stuart. I was wandering the streets, window shopping so I could spend more money, when I bumped into him. He turned to give me a look that said, "How dare you touch me?" Until he realized who had bumped into him. He instantly fell for my irresistible looks, and he invited me to dinner that night.

"We spent more time together, and I could finally grasp just how much money he actually had. Soon enough we decided to elope. We didn't tell anyone, and we were married within the week. A month passes and my first term of college at Oxford University is about to start. That was when we parted ways. He went back to New Orleans to learn more about his company, and I went to England for college.

"This is the part where I meet Serafina. She was the girl who mostly kept to herself. I figured it was safe to become 'friends' with her. She didn't ask too many questions. I found out that Serafina was friends with Stuart's little sister. He didn't mention her so I was surprised that he even had a sister."

"Okay. Stop telling me all the details because I really don't care about how you didn't really love my brother. I just want to know why did you want to get rid of me too? I didn't even know I had a brother until until recently." Mika interrupts my story once again. She sounds bored and indifferent.

"I wanted to get rid of you because you were a threat to my success. I figured if Stuart were to die, then your mother would be forced to take you back to work for the company, which would leave me with nothing." I say desperately.
"Didn't you just say your family was rich? I wouldn't work for my mother anyway because she doesn't acknowledge me, also she is a conniving witch. So can I go now?" She asks this half turning to go back.

"I'm sorry, but it's too late. You know too much about what happened, so now you need to disappear."

I start to push her towards the cliff until I hear a familiar voice behind me say, "Elizabeth! Mika! What are you guys doing?"  

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