3: Cages

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"Let him go." I say emotionless, glaring at the Eraser. He doesn't budge. The Eraser's finger slides onto the trigger.

"No. We won't let him, or any of these mutants, go until you agree to work with us."

"You won't let them go even if I do agree to work with you all," I snarl. "You'll just keep them locked up as prisoners in the School."

The Eraser motions to a whitecoat behind me. He opens a cage door. "Get inside, or I will kill him." He takes the safety off the gun with a click and presses it harder to Fang's temple. Fear shows in Fang's eyes, but he quickly hides it, letting his emotionless self take over.

I glance backwards at the cage. It was medium sized. That was a big upgrade from the small one I used to be locked in for my entire childhood. But I don't get into the cage. "Get inside, or I will kill him!" the Eraser repeated, tightening his grip on the trigger.

I slowly edge back, keeping my eyes locked on the gun. I duck down and get inside the cage. The door slams shut, and the Eraser puts the gun down. He throws Fang into a cage next to me. I look over at him. He's looking at the helicopters that just landed a few feet in front of us, sending a large wind into the sea of cages.

After the turbines stop, whitecoats start putting cages inside. Fang's eyes lock on mine and he takes my hand through the bars. I lace my fingers with his.

They get to my cage. They pull me away from Fang and throw me in the back of a chopper. My cage tumbles, and I end up upside down. I right myself just as Fang's cage slams into mine, his still right side up. I look over at him and he nods, letting me know he's okay.

I look around, trying so find anyone I know. They were all strangers. I'd never seen any of them before. Some of the people in the cages were awake. But others... Others didn't even look alive. I look over at Fang. He was looking around as well.

Fang leans over and taps my hand. He nods to the left. I look in that direction and see Angel.

"Max?" Angel thought to me. "They're taking us to the School, aren't they?"

I look over at her. She was 13 now, she entered her teenage years. Her blonde curly hair was now down to her waist, her eyes were an icy blue, and she was almost as tall as me. She had an attitude most of the time. She was usually in a bad mood. She had to do everything by herself. She never wanted any help with anything.

But right now, she seemed like she was her little 9-year-old-self again. She was so little and innocent. She's still my baby, no matter how old she gets.

I lock eyes with her and nod. I think to her, "Yeah. They're taking us to the School."

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