7: Max's POV

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I hear Angel's scream.

I lay on my side in fetal position, my eyes shut, silent tears running down my face.

It had been four days. We haven't been fed. We haven't been let out of these cells, unless the whitecoats needed us. Four days of the flock being tortured.

On the first day, they tortured me. They tried to break me. But I kept quiet. I wouldn't let them control me. No matter how much pain I was in, I kept quiet.

The second day was Iggy. I reached through the bars, and slammed myself against them, trying to get to him. When I reached out of the cell, an Eraser claws my arm, and I pulled my arms back in. Iggy looked over at me and I could see the pain in his sightless eyes.

The third day was Gazzy. I had sunk to my knees, my hands tightly around the bars. "Let him go!" I yelled. They ignored me. "Let him go!" I repeat. I sat down, my knees pulled to my chest, slowly loosing hope. A tear ran down my cheek. "Let him go."

And now Angel. I bury my face in my hands as tears still flow. She kept thinking things to me.

"Don't give in, Max. I can take the pain. Just don't give in."

"But they're hurting you."

"Max, you can't work with them. We can get out of here. We've done it before and I know we can do it again. Just don't give in."

I slowly nod, but stay huddled down, not wanting to look. Suddenly, her sheiks stop. I hear heavy footsteps come near me, but pass my cell. There is a thud in the cell next to mine, and the door closes. I take a shaky breath. Hopefully they were done torturing them.

Then I hear the door to my cell open. My body stiffens and I quickly wipe the tears off my face. I open my eyes as I feel an Eraser pick me up. He throws me into a cage and puts the cage on a cart. I look up and see Derrick. He smiles slightly as Fang was thrown in a cage as well, sat down next to me.

I'm still on my my side, in fetal position. But I'm facing Fang. I open my eyes, and they immediately lock with his. I reach my hand through the bars and entwine my fingers with his.

I look up at Derrick. "What do you want?" My voice wasn't shaky or broken, how I had expected it. It was cold and hard.

"You'll see soon enough." He says, starting to wheel us in the direction of his office.

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