14: Dylan's POV

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Dylan's POV


I catch Max before she rams into a tree. She looks up, a bewildered look in her eyes. "Dylan?!"

"Yeah, it's me." I say with a small smile.

She squirms out of my arms and hovers on her own again, her wings in beat with mine. "What the heck was that? You nearly knock me out of the sky, and all you have to say is 'yeah it's me'," she says the last part in a deep voice, trying to mimic me. "Okay, never mind that. How did you find us?"

"Well, I was just flying around over the ocean when I saw a few specks in the sky - you all. I flew towards them really fast and before I knew it, I couldn't slow down and I rammed into you. Sorry."

"So you just happen to be here at the exact time we fly through?"

I shrug. "I guess it's fate." Then the rest of her Flock find us.

They come up to me, hugging me, telling them that they missed me and wanted me back in the flock.

If you think that's what happened, you're completely wrong. They all hover beside Max, saying nothing. Some have their arms crossed over their chest, some glaring at me, he usual.

"Who are they?" I ask, motioning towards two other people I've never seen before. They were a boy and girl. The boy looks to be about 10 or so. He has dark brown hair, green eyes, and dark wings that matches his hair. The girl looks to be 14, with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, and greyish wings. They stay silent, crossing their arms like the rest of Max's Flock.

"Nice to see you all, too." I say. Max rolls her eyes.

"Look Dylan, I dunno what you want but-"

" I don't want anything. I was just going to say hey. I'll be on my way now." I turn around and fly forward slowly. I look over my shoulder to see them turning around, flying in the opposite direction of me. I dive down, landing in a large tree. I could watch them fly away for miles, and they couldn't see me. I watch them for a few more minutes before I take off after them again. "Max really thinks she can get me away that easily," I smirk. "She'll have to try harder than that."

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