4: The School

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Three Hours Later


The helicopter angles down. I nudge Fang, who had fallen asleep. His eyes open immediately.

"We're here," I whisper. He nods and squeezes my hand.

We land softly, and a few minutes later, the back doors open. Cages were taken out and thrown onto carts. An Eraser picked up Angel's cage, and she looks over at me.

"It's alright," I think to her.

He puts her cage on the cart and wheels it away. Another Eraser and another cart rolls up. He picks up Fang's cage and his hand is pulled away from mine. His cage is thrown on a cart with a few other cages, and is rolled towards the School.

Then my cage was taken, but on a cart, rolled into the school. When we entered the large double doors at the front of the School, the terrible hospital smell was obvious. Visions of what happened to us when we were younger play in my head.

Being hurt, tortured, almost killed. Seeing the flock being hurt right before my eyes, trying to break me. But I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.

I take a deep breath and grip the bars on my cage tightly. There's a few more people on the cart with me. I could only see one - the one that's next to me. It is Kenzie, one of the other bird kids that was on the island with us.

She looks over at me. She has strawberry blonde hair that comes about an inch below her shoulders, it is about the same color as Iggy's, and green eyes that were full of fear.

"It's alright," I mouth to her. She nods, but I can still see the fear in her eyes, her face.

We're wheeled into a room that has cells lining the walls. There's eight cells, four on each side. The room looks to be about 15 feet wide, so with the cells, there's 10 feet of open space in the middle of the room. There's two doors - the one we just entered and another one across from this one. The door is open and I cam see into the next room. It's identical to the one we're in now. Inside the cells in that room were little kids. Kids that couldn't be older than five or six.

Our cart wheel to a stop. The cage that was on top of mine was taken off. Iggy is inside. I wanted to yell out at him, ask him if he was okay. But he is passed out. Not dead, I still see him breathing. Just passed out. The Eraser puts him in the first cell. The Eraser got the next cage. Gazzy! He is wide awake, his blue eyes alert. His blonde hair is longer now, it fell to right below his eyes. He didn't resist when the Eraser pulls him out of the cage and put him into the cell. He shuts and locks both the boy's doors. We'll not really doors. They were bars, like what you would see in a jail.

The Eraser leans down so he was in my face. "I will be right back. Don't you dare do anything to try and escape, or you will regret it." He walks out the door and closes it behind him.

"Gazzy?" I whisper.

"Max! Are you okay?" He crawls to the edge of the cell and presses his face against the bars.

"I'm fine. Did you see where the others are?"

He shakes his head. "No. And Angel hasn't thought anything to me," He stays quiet for a moment. "Max, I'm scared."

"It's going to be okay, Gaz. We'll all be fine. We're going to get out of here. We just can't right now."

"Okay." He says quietly.

The door opens again a few minutes later. The Eraser comes in with another cart with four more cages. Angel, Nudge, Fang, and-

"Alex!" Kenzie yelled.

The Eraser snarls. "Shut up!" She did.

He puts Fang in the third cell, the one next to Gazzy, and he puts Alex in the last one. He picked up Kenzie's cage.

"Please don't hurt my brother," she whispers.

The Eraser opens her cage and throws her into the last cell, across from her brother, ignoring her request. He got Angel, putting her in the cell across from Gazzy, and puts Nudge in the cell across from Iggy.

The Eraser checks all the cells, making sure they were locked and secure. Then he turns to me. "You can either go talk to Derrick now, or you can go in your cell and talk to him tonight."

"I'll talk to him now." I try to keep my voice calm and steady. He opens my cage door and I get out. I stand up and put my hands behind my back. He handcuffs my hands. He pushes the carts into the hallway and grabs my arm. I go out into the hallway behind him. He locks the door behind him and we walk down the hall.

We go into the elevator, and he presses a button that says "offices". We shoot up. After a few seconds, the door opens and we turn right. We keep walking. We count to the last office, and he knocks. "Come in," I heard a man's voice. The Eraser opens the door and I walk inside.

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