15: Max's POV

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We land a few hours later. I could tell the others were tired from the flight. The winds over the ocean were harsh, so it took twice as long as usual. We tuck in our wings and start walking towards the tree houses. When the first tree hour comes into sight, I look around at the others. They look exhausted. I sigh.

"Okay, maybe we should rest here for tonight." I say. The others nod. "Go get your stuff and meet back here in ten minutes."

They all head off towards their tree houses. Kenzie and Alex stand beside me. "You all can just come to my house, I guess. Unless you want to go with one of the others. Alex flys after Gazzy, but Kenzie stays beside me.

She smiles slightly. "I'll go with you."
I extend my wings and fly up to the deck, Kenzie following me. I land carefully and go inside. It was just how I left it. Messy.

I get a black duffel bag and stuff some of my clothes laying around the room inside. I look through my closet, getting my remaining clothes. I get my hairbrush, which I had actually been using. I put a hair band on my wrist, in case I lose the one in my hair. And yes, it has happened. If you fly over 200 mph, your hair band will get ripped out of your hair. It's just a fact of life.

I throw my few books in my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I go on the deck and jump off, landing softly on the jungle floor. I go back to the spot where we're supposed to meet.

The Flock is all back after a few minutes, and I look around at all of their tired, dirty faces. I sigh.

"Okay, we'll stay here, just for tonight, so we can get cleaned up and rested. But we're leaving in the morning."

"But what if the whitecoats find us again?" Iggy asks. "They know we'd come back here."

"We'll all sleep in the same tree house. That way in case they do find us, we can fight them," Angel says, looking up at me. "Right?"

I nod. "Right. Let's find a place big enough for all of us." We take off.

After a few minutes of flying, we come across a large cave. It was the entrance to the cave where Dylan took the people on the island before the sky split in two. We go inside. It was just how it was when we let - messy. Chairs and tables were flipped, blankets were thrown everywhere, there was empty food boxes and drink cans were scattered.

"Okay, let's stay here," I say, grabbing some blankets. We throw our bags down and start to collect things that could help us.

Fang and Angel find a few cereal bars and some bags of trail mix and unopened coke cans. Nudge gathered a few pillows. Gazzy and Iggy find some pieces of metal and wires. When I ask what they were for, Gazzy says quickly, "Not for bombs, if that's what you're asking!" He fake smiles at me and they keep looking. Alex was following them, curiously. I took the blankets and laid them out of the floor. I put everyone's belongings beside their blanket.

After a few minutes, everyone was sitting on their blankets. We had rounded up 10 cokes and 16 cereal bars. Fang is looking around for an electrical box to see if he could get the lights on. In the darkness, I could see Iggy, Gazzy, and Alex sitting close to each other, talking quietly. Probably teaching Alex how to make bombs. Angel and Nudge are sitting across from me. Nudge has a flashlight in her hand, and they're looking at some fashion magazine. Kenzie is sitting on the other side of me, laying down, looking up at the ceiling. I lay down as well as I eat my first cereal bar.

There's a loud pop, then the lights flicker on, dimly. I could hear the heat turn on and Fang comes back in. He sits down beside me, leaning back against the wall.

"Hey," I say softly.

He still says nothing. He hasn't spoken a word since we left the school. He's silent all the time, and it's strange. I scoot closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I miss hearing you talk," I whisper. "I'm sorry for letting then get a hold of you. I should have stopped them."

He looks over at me, his dark eyes locking on mine. They still have that empty look in them. I look away, looking back towards the others.

"Guys, time for bed."

"But Maaax," Angel whined.

"No buts. It's bed time."

I went around, taking all the magazines, scrap metal, and gameboys from the flock. They all complained, but after a few minutes, they were asleep.

I go back over to Fang. He lays facing away from me, and I know he isn't asleep. I can tell by his breathing. I lay down beside him, but he stays facing away. I sigh and close my eyes. As I fall asleep, I can only think one thing:

When will the old Fang come back?

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