The Traitor

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As Lucas was waiting for his coffee order his phone beeped signaling that he received a text Lucas opened his phone and read it and then closed it. He heard his number being called and put his phone in the back is his pocket and grabbed the coffees he then headed towards the back of the coffee shop and sat down in the table across the table with....

"MISSY?" Lucas whispered yelled shocked to see Missy in front of his. Missy slightly lowered down her hoodie and looked at Lucas with conflict.

"What are you doing here, Missy? More importantly how did you get my number?" Lucas demanded. "I thought when I saw a missed call that came from you in Charlie cell phone that it couldn't be you. Because your not that kind of person. Why are you talking to Charlie! Have you forgotten what he's done to all of your friends! To Maya!" Missy said but all she received was a blank look from Lucas.

"I don't know why your talking to Charlie but you need to know that Charlie is building up a scheme that could possibly work and result in..." Missy was cut off by Lucas.

"Why do you care so much on what Charlie scheme is? And why I'm talking to him? I thought you wanted revenge on Maya?" Lucas asked confused but as he stared at Missy he knew the answer.

"Wow!" Lucas said chuckling, "You have feelings for Maya and that's why you wanted revenge because you were angry that she could never return your feelings because of Chai and Riley and then when Riley and Maya were engaged. What is it with particularly every girl falling for Maya?" Lucas commented with a smirk.

"That doesn't matter, okay! The most important thing is that Maya is in danger and you need to tell her that Charlie is coming up with a plan that could possibly work and..." Missy stopped mid sentence when she noticed Lucas smirk.

"You... know... don't you?" Missy asked speechless but all she received a dark smirk that send chills to Missy.

"Why are you helping, Charlie? Have you forgotten all the horrible things that we done to Maya? Why would you help, Charlie when he's planning to end Maya? Have you forgotten she's your friend?" Missy asked surprised that Lucas is doing this.

"That's none of your business on why I'm working with Charlie. What I'm doing is a favor for everyone! Since junior year she's been putting all of us on risk just because of people wanting revenge and because of that Riley was almost shot! The important thing is that in the end when Charlie tells me the plan I will make sure that it works and that Maya won't be so lucky this time." Lucas replied as he got up and grabbed the coffees.

"I'll tell Maya!" Missy said as she stood up angry that Lucas one of maya closest friends is betraying Maya.

"Yeah, like Maya will believe you! You think she's going to believe you? A person who's responsible for her dads death?" Lucas laughed. "Just stay out of the way, Missy. You don't want to be in the way of this." Lucas said and walked out the coffee shop.

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