Happy Birthday

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It was the 24 of December and it was one more day till Christmas. Scott was setting the food on the breakfast table as Riley finished cooking breakfast.

"Scott, can you please wake up your mom?" Riley asked and Scott nodded and walked towards his parents bedroom and entered the room and saw Maya sleeping.

"Wake up mom!" Scott announced happily but just received soft snores from Maya. Scott then walked towards his mom and faced her.

"Mom? Mom? Breakfast is ready." Scott said as he poked Maya on the face but only received soft snores from Maya. Scott was about to get Riley when he heard a voice standing beside the door.

"What are you doing?" A familiar voice asked. Scott turned around and saw, "Uncle Auggie!" Scott yelled happily and the two hugged. Auggie let go and looked at Maya who is still sleeping.

"Scott if your trying to wake up Maya, you won't wake her up by being gentle. The only way to wake her up is like this..." Auggie then stood on top of a chair and landed on top of Maya landing on her stomach waking Maya up painfully.

"See like this." Auggie said with a smile and Scott returned it as Maya groaned in pain.

Once, Scott and Auggie left. Maya woke up and toke a shower, brushed her teeth, did her hair, and changed clothes she then walked to the kitchen where she saw Auggie and Scott eating and Riley setting her breakfast on the table.

"Good morning, princess." Maya said as Maya and Riley shared a kiss, "Good morning, Peaches." Riley replied as Maya kissed Scott on the head and ruffled Auggie hair. Maya and Riley then sat down and started eating their breakfast.

"Maya aren't you heading to New York to visit..." Auggie was cut off. "Auggie!" Riley said with a serious voice.

"Sorry, Maya. I shouldn't have brought it up." Auggie said apologizing, Maya slightly smiled. "It's okay, Auggie, besides I should be heading out to New York anyways." Maya replied as she quickly ate her food luckily not chocking and kissed Riley on the lips and then kissed Scott on the head and ruffled Auggie curly hair again. Then grabbed her car keys and coat and walked out of the dorm heading towards her car.

Maya stared at her dad gravestone and laid the flowers that she brought on her way over here. Maya sat down on the ground and played with the dirt until she heard footsteps approaching and someone seating beside her.

Maya smiled as she looked up and saw her dad smiling they both hugged as tears fell from Maya eyes.

"Happy birthday, dad." Maya whispered as more tears fell. "Thank you, Maya. For visiting me on my birthday." Kermit replied with a smile. Maya wiped her tears away and then told Kermit all that has happened since college started.

The two didn't notice how much time passed till Maya noticed that it was dark.

"Looks like we been talking all day, dad." Maya said as she then pulled out her phone and saw that it was almost close to midnight. Kermit got up and extended his hand towards Maya and Maya grabbed her dad hand helping Maya stand up.

Kermit sensing that Maya still had a small part that blamed her for his death needed to assure Maya again.

"Maya have I told you before what I think love is?" Kermit asked. "No." Maya answered confused why her dad is asking her this.

"Well love is fighting for the ones you care for. Love is always being there for other. Love is that special bond that is formed. Love is being able to give your life to safe another. And that's what I think love is." Kermit explained and Maya was hit with flashbacks.

Kermit then laid his hand on top of Maya head and ruffled her hair.

"Maya you been through a lot and I'm sorry for leaving you and making you think it was your fault that I left. I'm sorry I wasn't their by your side. I'm sorry I couldn't shower you with love." Kermit said as tears started falling from Maya eyes and remembered when her mom would cry at night and how she had to work a lot that she barely saw her mom.

"I'm not a perfect person. There's many things I wish I didn't do. But I changed my ways because I wanted to show you a side of me you didn't know." Kermit finished and Maya hugged Kermit and Kermit gladly returned the hug.

"I just wish we could of had more time together." Maya said as Kermit wiped away her tears. "Maya always remember that I'm here for you and watching over you. And your growing up to be a wonderful mother, wife, friend, and daughter. I'm proud to be your father, Maya." Kermit said with a proud smile.

"Merry Christmas, dad." Maya said with a smile, "Merry, Christmas, Maya." Kermit replied with a smile. 

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