Goodbye Chai

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It's been seven weeks since the Jacob accident the police arrived and arrested Jacob for what he did to Chai along with violating the restraining order.

The gang was in Riley and Maya dorm for Chai had an announcement to tell them. As they were waiting for Chai to come Maya and Josh were talking privately.

"So looks like your eye is getting better." Josh said remarking of Maya black eye, Maya chuckled. "I can say the same thing for you, Josh." Maya replied as the two smiled.

"So how are you with Chai... you know dating Lucas?" Maya cautiously asked for everyone was shocked especially Maya and Josh when Chai and Lucas revealed they were dating. Even though Lucas is Maya friend the only person she thought was good for Chai was Josh.

"I'm hanging in there even if Chai and Lucas are dating. But like I told Chai when we broke up I'm hers no matter where she is and no matter who she meets. Because deep down I believe in the end that will end up together." Josh sincerely said Maya nodded.

"Well from what's been happening recently with Chai and Lucas it looks like there breaking up soon and I'm not the only one thinking it." Maya explained before Josh could ask more the front door opened.

"Hey Chai, your looking beautiful." Josh nervously said Chai smiled, Lucas seeing the exchange between them got up and surprised Chai with a kiss. "So what's the announcement that you wanted to tell us?" Lucas asked with a smug smile Josh clenched his hands with anger.

"Yeah what's the big announcement, Chai?" Riley asked trying to prevent a fight between Josh and Lucas.

"Do you guys remember the application I filled out last year for huge opportunity of photography." Chai asked they nodded, "Well yesterday I received a letter from them and they accepted me I get to travel the world and learn more about photography with photographers teaching me." Chai said excited everyone was shocked by Chai announcement. Farkle was the first to snap out of it.

"Congratulations Chai, you deserve it." Farkle said as he and Chai hugged, "Farkle right, I'm proud that your works getting discovered." Riley said as she joined the hug and everybody joined in the hug.

"Chai can I talk to you, privately." Lucas asked Chai nodded the two stepped outside.

"So what does this mean for us? Are we doing long distance relationship or..." Lucas was cut off.

"Lucas were breaking up! Listen your a great friend but long distance isn't going to work I'm gonna be traveling the world and learn more about photography I won't have time to talk to you or be in a relationship. I'm sorry but we're through." Chai explained Lucas nodded.

"I understand and congratulations on the opportunity but I want to know something. If it was down to me and Maya and you had to make a choice who get the goodbye, who would it be?" Lucas asked.

"I love Maya. She came into my life at a time when I needed someone and I fell for her instantly. Even though we were dating I wasn't in love with you nor did I have strong feelings for you like the way I did with Maya and Josh. I will always love..." Chai was cut off by the door opening.

"Is everything okay?" Josh asked, "Yeah I was just saying my goodbye. I hope will see you soon, Chai. Congratulations again." Lucas said and walked out Chai and Josh were now by themselves.

"I'm really happy for you, Chai. I'm glad that your dreams are coming true. Your a great photographer and like Riley said your works now getting known." Josh said proudly.

"Thanks Josh, I'm really gonna miss you. Thank you for being there for me when the triangle was over and always listening to me when I needed someone to talk to, I don't know how I can ever repay you for what you done for me." Chai said with a smile that brought a smile to Josh.

"Just promise me that you'll be careful and to always call me or write to me when you have time and tell me all about your learning and never forget about me." Josh explained.

"I could never but I should probably head back to the apartment to pack up my stuff since I'm heading out in the afternoon. Can you tell everyone I'll see them tomorrow." Josh nodded as he watched Chai walk away.

The next day Chai was greeted with goodbyes by her friends, Mr and Mrs. Matthews, and Scott but she hasn't seen Maya at all and her plane about to be called.

"Where's Maya?" Chai asked Riley, "I don't know she said she had to do something but she promised she'll be here." Riley replied confused Chai looked around to spot Maya but couldn't just as she was about to give up she heard her name being shouted they all turned around and saw Maya running towards their direction.

"Sorry I'm late but I had to take care of something." Maya explained, "Chai can I talk to you in private?" Maya asked Chai nodded and the two walked away. Maya and Chai looked at each other and hugged each other tightly.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Maya." Chai said with tears falling. "I'm going to miss you too, Chai." Maya replied as they pulled away and Maya wiping Chai tears away.

"Thank you for bumping me onto the street that day. I never thought I'll truly be happy. You changed everything for me you always saved my life and taught me not only what true friendship is but also what love is I never thought in a million years I'll know what love is until I started getting to know you and I'll never forget the memories that we had. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you accomplish your dreams of being a artist or musician. Because I know one day I'll see your art hanging in the Brooklyn Museum just like I told you. And despite everything I think a part of me will always be waiting for you." Chai said as tears fell from her eyes and Maya smiled at Chai speech Maya held Chai hand.

"Thinking back to every memory and moment we had it made me realize something that I should've realized during high school, I realized that when we're dating I was slowly falling in love with you and I want you to know that your my first girlfriend, my first relationship, my first kiss, and if anyone ever asked me who was my first girlfriend I'll say Chai the one who made me the person I am today. Which is why I know that you'll accomplish your dreams of becoming a famous photographer traveling the world documenting important world events and I'll get to say I knew her. She was my first everything." Maya sincerely said.

As the two stared at each other they remembered all the memories they had. Them bumping in the street, talking all night in the night hawk diner, Brooklyn museum, movies, first kiss, Christopher Park, Game Night, first date, and everything they went through.

The two share one more hug that felt like a life time and Chai leaves once she hears her flight number.

"I'll see you soon Chai." Maya whispers.

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