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After Riley and Chai existed the classroom they ran back to the dorm where they agreed they meet once they finished setting the record.

Riley entered the dorm and saw Farkle, Zay, and Smackle waiting for them. They looked up and saw Riley and Chai but Zay noticed that Riley had the recorder in her hand.

"Riley... why do you have the recorder in your hand? You were supposed to tape the recorder under Charles desk so..." Zay was cut of mid sentence.

"We did tape it under the desk but when we finished and we're heading out the classroom Chai saw that Charles was heading towards the classroom so we hid under the desk so we wouldn't get caught." Riley explained.

"So why do you have the recorder with you?" Smackle asked confused but before Chai could answer.

"Maya came didn't she?" Farkle asked but already knew the answer.

"Yeah, Maya came and even managed for Charles to admit that he's homophobic. How did you know that Maya came?" Riley questioned Farkle.

"Because I had a feeling that you and Chai wouldn't be able to get out on time and because I know that Charles will only admit that he's homophobic in front of Maya. So I talked to Maya privately that once you and Chai are done taping the recorder that Maya visits Charles and make him confess." Farkle explained to the group.

"But why do you think he'll only admit it to Maya? Why not the rest of us." Chai asked. "You'll find out tomorrow. We got all the proof we need that Charles is homophobic so theirs no doubt that Maya will be proven innocent." Farkle replied and everyone smiled.

It has been two days and today is the hearing of Maya that will decide if she gets expelled or not. Maya and Riley were seated and were waiting for the dean to arrive.

"Farkle where's Chai! She is supposed to be here and give us her English assignments as proof!" Riley asked but then saw Chai running towards them.

"Chai what took you so long?" Maya asked as Chai was taking deep breaths.

"Their gone! The English assignments aren't their anymore! I checked my whole backpack and it wasn't their!" Chai replied and everyone was shocked.

"How did the three of you lose your English assignments?" Zay asked. "I don't know! I had them in my binder." Maya answered.

"Look at least we have proof that Charles is homophobic, okay." Farkle said trying to reassure Riley that everything will be okay.

"Are you sure that's enough?" Riley asked cautiously. "Trust me, Honey. If that isn't then we have a backup plan." Maya replied as she held Riley hand.

The door opened and the dean, Mr. Feeny, and Charles entered the room and walked to their seats.

Maya and Charles both stared at each other.

"First I'll like to say that this is a hearing not a trial. Now let's begin the hearing." The dean announced and faced Charles.

"I was talking to Cory in the student commons about some of the lessons I plan to teach the students when Cory sees Maya who looked to be angry in my opinion. And then Riley along with her friend Zay arrive in the common rooms. Riley says something to Maya and the next thing I know Maya is repeatedly punching me which resulted in a broken nose." Professor Charles explains.

"Maya tells me that the reason she punched you was because you whispered disgusting when you saw my daughter hold Maya face." Cory said.

"Not to mention that you been failing Maya, Riley, and Chai when their doing their assignments correctly and giving Maya more assignments then the rest of her classmates. Also admitting to Riley and Chai that the reason you failed them was because it help them realize that liking girls is wrong and getting bad grades will help you realize that. You admitted to them that your homophobic!" Topanga said.

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