6. A bit of good news

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I feel asleep almost immediately and when I woke up, I checked my phone and saw that it was 10:30, I got a warm shower and washed my hair very well. I really wanted to just feel fresh and not like I was about to faint, which I did.

I went to knock on Ji Soo's door, but as soon as I lifted my hand up the door opened, "Want to go and eat out for breakfast?" I asked him, "Sure," He said, "Ok, Get ready, we'll leave at 11," "Okay," And with that I went back to my room and began drying and straightening my hair.

I really like my hair, it's almost black at the top with really light pink at the ends, it really is gorgeous, but anyway, when I finished that i just left it down and put on my out fit, (pic above) and left to get Ji Soo.

"Ready?" I asked him, "Let's go," We walked to the closest cafe and we just talked and laughed trying to keep our minds away from the horrible news we were told just last night,

I'm so happy he's taking this well and isn't just lounging about like I thought he would.

We told the waiter what we wanted and I payed, "Ha Na?" Ji,Soo asked me, "Yeah?" I asked, "Well, I was thinking about just going back to school tomorrow," He told me, "Are you sure your ready?" I asked him, "Yes, I'm positive I'm ready," He assured me,
"Okay. I'm very proud of you and I know Mum and Dad are, you know that we all love you very much?" I asked him, "Yes Ha Na, don't worry about me, I'm fine, well I will be," He took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

Just then the waiter came with our food and we began to eat and talk again like nothing had happened. When we got home Ji Soo went to the games room and I sat on the sofa.

As soon as I sat down the mail came through the letter box,

I sighed and got up. When I looked at the letters I had just picked up I saw one was for me,

I ripped it open, eager to see what was inside,

My mouth opened wide as I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes,

Dear Miss Ha Na

Hearing the tragic news of your parents, we have decided to give you the house you are staying in for free, we were close to your parents and we told them if anything happened to them we would take great care of both of you, so we are sending 1,000,000 won once every two weeks, this should keep you stable,


The Park Family,

I just smiled at the letter, I couldn't believe it!

What nice people they are,


Short chapter alert📢
This is just a short one as I have so many ideas I needed to get this out so I didn't forget about it,

Thanks for reading!

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