27. Eyes wide open

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Funny enough, when I turned over, Jimin wasn't there. I guess he left earlier. Well, I got up and got ready, then went downstairs and was surprised to see BTS already up. "Why're you all up?" I asked them, "Our manager said for us to come into the building today," Jin shrugged.

"What a coincidence, I'm going for my audition today." I told them. "Cool," Jungkook said under his breath, but I ignored him.

"I have to go now." I told them, "So do we," Namjoom laughed and they all stood up. I went and got into my taxi while the boys took their cars. When I got there, I paid the man then walked in because the boys haven't arrived yet.

"Annyeonghaseyo~" I bowed to the women behind the desk, "Are you auditioning?" She asked me, "Yes," I answered, "Down there," She then pointed down a different corner than last time. I walked down and into a room, I guessed, was the auditioning room.

"Hello Miss Ha Na, are you ready?" The boss asked me when I was finished changing my shoes, "Yes," I smiled at him,

"Okay, the people that are watching you will be here in a second," As soon as he said that, BTS walked in. "Ha Na, BTS will be watching you audition today," He told me. I then started to get very nervous, I don't like dancing in front of people I know.

"Okay," I said and got my superstars on so I could do Wee Woo. When the music started, I did the dance and went through it perfectly with no mistakes. "Good, boys, have you got anything to say to Ha Na about the dance?" Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon rose their hands,

"Okay, Namjoom?" He was asked to speak, "I thought it was very good and tidy and your facial expressions were very good, just work on keeping your arms straight when they are supposed to be," I bowed to him and next was Jungkook,

"Like Namjoon, it was very clean and tidy, just work on your arms," He told me again. "Thank you." I said, "And lastly, Jimin?" It was now his turn,

"I think it was perfect. When you dance you give off the vibes that are being portrayed in the song, over all, it was very good." He then gave me a smile, "Thank you," I told him and then I was told to get ready for the dance with heels, Hobgoblin.

Before I started, Jimin asked a question to the manager, "Is she going to sing?" He asked him, "Mm, good idea, I'll make her sing now," They thought I couldn't hear. "Ha Na?" A voice called out for me, "Can you sing this song and dance?" He asked me,

"Sure," I said and stood up from putting my heels on. 'This is going to be a challenge,' I thought.

The music started and I began. For the dances I was always the person at the front so they could see me. I was half way through and was starting to get tired, but luckily, I pushed through and finished strong. Well, I thought I did.

I looked at everyone and they were all sat there, their eyes wide open. Along with their mouths nearly touching the floor. Then the Manager started to clap. "Very good," He said with a smile,

"Looks like we have a new trainee," He told me,

My whole world froze, then I came back to reality, "Thank you, thank you," I said while bowing and having my hands out in front of me. "You may leave, I'll call you in to sign papers then you're ready to begin. Be here tomorrow to sign the papers actually," And with that he walked out.

"Oh my god," I said while staring at the wall. I was then engulfed in a hug, "Well done!" It was Jungkook. I hugged him back and then all the sudden, everyone joined the hug.

"I can't believe it!" I said while we were leaving the building. "I know!" Jungkook said. Jungkook and I have gotten really close, we've started to hold hands just randomly and it not get awkward. And we're not even dating!

As much as I like Jungkook, I only think of him as a Bestfriend, he doesn't give me butterflies the way Jimin does,

Wait, what?

I did not just think that,

Oh who am I kidding

I like Jimin again.


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