17. Eun Mi?! Chol!?

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!!!Read authors note at the end please:)!!!


I walked into Ji Hee's room to see her awake, "Hey, you okay?" I asked her, "Yes," She said and I then asked her what happened, "Well, I just remember sobbing then getting dizzy as I stood up to take a drink of water, then I must've fell," She told me, but before I could speak 7 boys walked in, 1 with a guilty look in his eyes,

"Hey Ji Hee," Jin spoke, "What?" She spat out of her mouth, "I'm sorry," He said and I got tell his eyes were glossed over, "It's ok.." She mumbled, "What?" I asked her, "It's definitely not OKAY, he's the reason you're in this position!" I basically shouted, "Ha Na, calm down," Jimin come over to me and grabbed my wrist. I pulled it away harshly, "No, I won't! He broke her heart and you want me to calm down," I shouted.

"Ha Na," Ji Hee began, "Get out," She said to me, "What? Why?" I asked, confused, "She said get out," Jin said,

"You know what? Fuck this," And with that I left the room,

How can she just forgive him like that? He's the one who hurt her literally 5 hours ago! Ugh, whatever, I don't want to be surrounded by people like that anyway, they were obviously just using us to make other girls jealous...

I then just walked home and went straight to the kitchen to cook for Ji Soo. When I had finished I called him down, "Ha Na," He began, "Yeah?" "Well, there's a school trip next week and I was wondering if I would be able to go?" He asked me, "Well, how much is it?" I asked, "It's only 27,855.50," He told me. I thought about it for a few seconds before he broke my thoughts, "Well?" He asked while eating some meat,

"Um, sure," I said and his smiled wide, "Oh thank you, thank you," He got up and hugged me. For the first time for a few weeks I could see he was genuinely happy, just by this one simple trip.

Time had past and it was now time for bed. I had done nothing but homework after I had finished my dinner and you could say I was exhausted. I fell asleep and woke up to the sound of my alarm,

I shut it off then went and got a shower. When I was finished, I picked out my outfit which was quite girly, for me, it was a pair of blue jeans and a pink loose top, with a grey jacket. I done natural make up and put my hair into 2 French plaits. I went downstairs and made breakfast for Ji Soo and set in in the fridge, leaving him a note to tell him it's there, he doesn't have school today.

I grabbed my phone, brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag and walked to school. When I got there I took my earphones out and headed towards my first class. History.

I got there just in time. There were only a few people in the class which were Chan Woo and some boy and another girl. I smiled at Chan Woo and he signalled with his hand for me to come over. I happily walked over and took a seat beside him. "Ha Na, this is my Bestfriend, Chol, and his girlfriend, Eun Mi,"

I smiled at them and they smiled back. After a while we all began talking and it seemed like we were all getting along, especially Eun Mi and I. The bell went and all of the class went to there seats.

I hadn't even realised that Ji Hee and the rest of the boys had entered the class. I decided to ignore them looking at me and I focus on the lecture that the teacher is giving.

After what felt like forever, the class finally ended and I packed up all of my stuff. I hadn't realised but I had all of the same classes with Eun Mi today. I walked out of the class where she was waiting for me, and we walked to the next class together.

"So.." She said on our way, "What?" I asked, "You and Chan Woo?" She asked nudging me, "What? No, we've went on one date but I don't think he's into me," I said, "Not into you? Seriously, who wouldn't be into you? Your gorgeous, Smart and Funny!" I just pushed her slightly and we both laughed.

It feels like we've been friends for months,

"Sit with us at lunch?" She asked me, "Of course," I smile at her and we both started to laugh at nothing again.


The boys, Ji Hee and I walked into history to see Ha Na sitting with 3 people. One of them being Chan Woo.

"Ugh, I already miss her," I told Ji Hee, "She's the one that left us," She told me.

I guess she was right. But I still miss her.

We all were watching her with out even realising it. She was laughing and smiling with them, I can just remember when we all acted like that.


Is she sitting with Eun Mi! She's the most popular girl in school! Oh how Ha Na never fails to surprise me. Wait! And Chol! He's part of the second most popular boy group in our school! Since when did Ha Na become so popular,

She looks really cute today aswell.



Thank you all for 3K reads! I appreciate it so much! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I also have decided to ask for your help,

Shall I do a book 2 or should I continue this book? Comment!

Thank you for reading!

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