12. Shopping

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"What?" I asked, very confused,

"Well," He began while pushing past me, "My Eomma and Appa told me that I had to come and help you, so, here I am!" He seemed very cheerful, "So you're staying with me until we're old enough too look after ourselves?" I asked,

"No, just until we leave school, which is 5 months and 4 days. Don't worry, I have a reminder," He then took his shoes off and jumped onto the couch, "Woah! Be careful! You'll break the seat," I walked up and fixed the pillows,

I wonder how Ji Soo will act with this news, "You should go and tell Ji Soo," I sat next to him, "Why can't you, I'm tired," He whined while putting his head onto my lap and lying down. My eyes widened but I loosened up and began to play with his hair,

"Well, to answer your question, he likes you more than me sooooo, you go say to him," I told him, "That's not true," He said, "What's not true?" I asked, "Ji Soo likes me more than you, it's not true," He told me but I began to laugh, "Okay, whatever you say Jimin," He just gave me a confused look then spoke up,

"Have you got any food?" He asked. Truth is, I need to go shopping, there's really nothing left, "No. Fancy a bit of late night grocery shopping?" I offered him, "Sure, why not?" He laughed then sat up and went to put his shoes on,

I told Ji Soo Jimin and I were going shopping, "Okay!" He shouted down the stairs, "Buy wedding rings while you're out!" He shouted again, "What!" "NOTHING!" He then went back into his room, probably texting his friends or something,

I went back to the front door, "Ready?" Jimin asked me, "Yep," We left and got into his car. It was silent but not a bad silent, it was a comfortable silent with just the sounds of other cars passing by.

When we got to the grocery store I got a trolley, "What should we get?" Jimin asked me, "You've never been grocery shopping before?" I also asked, "No," He mumbled, "Oh, just food for dinner and lunch and breakfast, the essentials, then we'll get snacks and stuff," I told him and he just shrugged, "Okay,".

We walked down the aisle's looking for different foods that looked good. When we finally finished shopping, I paid then we carried the bags back to his car, we put them in the boot (A//N: Trunk) of his car then got in, "What music do you want to listen to?" He asked while putting the aux cabled in his phone,

"Have you got any Got7?" I asked him, "Who doesn't?" We chuckled then he put on 'Fly,' my personal favourite song. We began singing the lyrics, "We're gonna Fly-y-y-y-y," We sung while laughing,

It didn't take us long to get back home and I sighed, "Awk," I said then got out. We carried the bags in and began to put everything away.

When that was done I showed Jimin up to the spare bedroom, "Thanks," He thanked me, "No problem, my rooms next door so just come in if you need anything," I began to walk out, "Oh and Ji Soo is beside me," I smiled at him and he smiled back, "Okay," I then walked out, remembering to close the door behind me,

When I got into my room I lay down on my bed,

"What are you doing to me Park Jimin?"


Sorry for the short chapter, I'm going to a concert tonight and was just wanting to get this out before I go out,

Thank you for reading and for over 900 reads!

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