7. Friends

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The next day Ha Na wasn't in school, I asked Ji Hee at lunch what was wrong but apparently she hadn't heard from her since school.

I decided that I would go over to her house to check on her after school to make sure she was alright, but when I got there I knocked the door and no one answered,

I waited a while then knocked the door again and her little brother, I'm imagining, opened  the door, "Yes?" He looked at me, "Oh, Hi, I'm one of Ha Na's friends from school, I was just calling in to see her?" I kind of asked him, he opened the door a little wider, "She's up in her room, 2 doors down on the right," He told me and let me in then closed the front door and walked into, to what I expect, was the games room.

I walked up and knocked in the door, I heard a sniffle, "Ji Soo! I told you I was okay," She said,

"It's not Ji Soo, it's Jimin, I was just coming over to check on you because you weren't in school," I told her, but that sounded like I cared too much so I added, "It's not that I care, the others were worried and I was only free one, but I'd much rather not be here," I told her,

She came to the door and her eyes were all puffy and red, "Leave," She said, "Ha Na, What's wrong?" I asked genuinely worried this time after seeing her state, "I SAID LEAVE!" She shouted in my face, I just said one last thing, "Ha Na I'm sorry for saying what I just said, I didn't mean it," I gave her a look but she just slammed her bedroom door in my face,

I sighed and walked down the stairs, her younger brother was at the bottom waiting on me it seemed,

"I'm sorry about her, it's just that," He started to get teary eyed, "Our parents died yesterday," He then started crying but wiped his tears, "But I have to stay strong for her," He told me, "Your a tough boy," I told him and ruffled his hair, "Would you like to stay for dinner?" He offered me, "I'm not sure your sister would be too happy," I chuckled while rubbing the back of my neck,.

"Oh it's alright, well do you want to come and play some Call Of Duty?" He asked me, "Sure," I happily smiled at him,

As I was waiting for him to set the Controller and things up, I started to think. My parents had said I might need to move house as some one had just lost something big in their lives and didn't have enough support at home,

"Did you perhaps, get a letter saying that some one would pay for the house?" I asked her brother,

"Oh, No, I don't think so but you could ask my sister over dinner, and by the way I'm Ji Soo," He told me, "Well, you already know my name, but I'm Jimin," I told him,

"Nice too meet you Jimin," He then handed me the controller and smiled, I smiled back and took the controller and we began to play a match. We were against each other and I ended up being beaten by him.

I sunk back into the chair, "Why!?" I shouted and we both started to laugh, he's like the younger brother I never had,

"Ji Soo dinner is rea-" Ha Na came in, "Didn't I tell you to leave?" She asked me while folding her arms, "I offered him to stay for dinner," Ji Soo backed me up, "Ji Soo, I haven't made enough because you didn't tell me!" She raised her voice, "It's fine, I'll get going," I got up to leave,

"No, it's fine we can just go out to eat," She said, "My treat," She smiled at me, "No I'll pay," I told her, "You've got enough going on," And she smiled at me, "Thank you Jimin, just let me run and grab my shoes," She said then left the room,

"You two so like each other," Ji Soo said while turning off the game. My eyes widened after what he said, "What? No we don't," I told him, "It obvious," He told me, I just shook my head and left the room,

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