24. Fake boyfriend

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Jungkook and I realised that everyone was staring at us and we stopped, "So I guess it went well?" Jimin asked me, "Yeah, it did," I shrugged. I started to panic as my eyes scanned the room to see that Ji Soo was no where to be seen.

"Where's Ji Soo?" I questioned them, "He sleeping," Jungkook told me, "Oh okay," I then took my shoes off and went up to my room.mi then got a text from Eun Mi,

'Hey, I heard about Chan Woo, he's just jealous. Can I come over? Xx'

I laughed at this. She doesn't need to ask to come over,

'Sure xx'

She then told me that she would be over soon and walked downstairs so I could open the door for her. She arrived in like 5 minutes and we walked into the kitchen, "So.." She spoke first, "Yes?"

"Well, have you talked to Chan Woo?" She asked me, "No, and I'm not going to," I told her, "Oh come on, you have to. I was talking to him last night and he's really sorry, he said he was going to come over but I beat him to it," She smiled a ridiculous victory smile, "Oh, well I guess I should talk to him. But! He has to text or call or show up first," I told her,

"Oh good!" She then took a glass out of the cupboard and was about to put it under the tap when a hand stopped her, "You can't use that cup," Hoseok told her dryly. "And why not?" She then folded her arms, the cup still present in her hand. "Because, it's my favourite cup," I looked to see it was exactly the same cup he always used when he came over. It was also my favourite cup.

"Well then," She then pretend to drop the cup but accidentally went through with it. And now, Hoseok and I's, favourite cup was on the floor in a million tiny pieces. "What the hell?" Hoseok shouted at her.

"Oh my god, Ha Na, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to actually drop it!" She poured out to me. I was still in shock that it had happened. "Oh, it's fine, it's just a cup," I quickly snapped out of it and began to pick up the pieces.

"I'll leave," She grabbed her bag and walked out the door, "She's so annoying," Hoseok said.


I was watching as Eun Mi left the house. I wasn't watching her in a creep way, rather in a way to see what she was doing.

Before she left I seen her phone light up and at the exact time, a car pulled up outside and you would never guess who the person who was driving the car, just coincidentally, was,

Chan Woo

Eun Mi got in his car and he sped off down the road.

I don't know for sure, but what I do know, is that something is going on between them two. This isn't the first time I've seen them acting strange together.


I was leaving the dressing room to go to the toilet when Eun Mi and Chan Woo came out of the supply closet in front of me. Eun Mi was giggling and fixing her hair while Chan Woo was buttoning his top button of his shirt.

These two were up to something....

Flashback Over

So yeah, I think Chan Woo was cheating on Ha Na. I hope he doesn't ask for her back.

Well, anyway, I decide to go downstairs. I seen Hoseok helping Ha Na pick up some broken glass, "What happened?" I asked them. I must've scared Ha Na, when she heard me she dropped the piece of glass she was holding, "Sorry," I said while giggling a little. "It's fine," She then picked up the rest of the pieces and put them in the rubbish bin.

She got a call and I looked over, sneakily, and read the name. It was chan Woo.

"Two seconds," She said to us and left the room. I looked at Hoseok and he looked back and I rose an eyebrow at him but he just shrugged. I heard Ha Na saying yes about something then coming back. "I've got to meet up with someone," She told us, "I'll be back soon," And with that she grabbed her phone and shouted for Jungkook,

"What!" He shouted back, "Please come and pretend to be my boyfriend for this one time," She gave him puppy dog eyes and then he agreed, "The things I do for you," He said and they both left.

I'm not going to lie, I'm kind off jealous..... Okay I'm REALLY jealous.

It's okay, it's just for Chan Woo. Nothing more.

To be continued........

Nah I'm only messing but, I hope it is.


Ohhhhhh I wonder what Chan Woo will say to Ha Na, could it be that he has been da- never mind...

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