26. Couldn't Sleep

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After Jimin had left, I went to sleep with a smile on my face for the first time in weeks.

The next day I woke up at 8 and got a shower then into my dance clothes which were black leggings and I loose t shirt with my hair in a high pony tail. I had my superstars on and also had to bring a pair of heels. I was doing two dances and I got some information on them, one dance requires a pair of heels while the other needs to be danced with trainers.

I went down stairs and filled my water bottle and lifted an apple and filled a lunch box bag with grapes. I then put everything in my bang and grabbed my phone then left.

When I got to the dance studio I started to warm up. I'm flexible, I guess. I can do a front flip and back flip, Ariel, cartwheel, splits, straddle jump, a needle, catch back. Basically all of the skills in gymnastics but I haven't perfected them all.

I am dancing to the song Wee Woo by Pristin and Hobgoblin by CLC. You can guess which one I need high heels for.

I started with Wee Woo, I taught myself the dance in around 3 hours then I went over it for an hour. Now it was time for Hobgoblin. I taught myself the dance in 3 hours and a half and went over it for 2 hours. I got to the dance studio at around 9:30 so it was now 4:30. I had took breaks through out so now, I'm going to go through the dances.

I went through each dance and perfected it for 2 hours each, so I had another 4 hours of practising. I then decided to go back home.

I called a taxi and drove home. I didn't get home until around 9 and went straight up and showered.

I came back down stairs to the living room. I had to practise my gymnastics and flexibility skills. I came down and sat on the floor and began stretching again. When I was finished, I started by doing the splits, I started with my left leg, then right leg and, finally, my straddle splits. I got each one perfectly and practised my straddle jump.

When I was finished that, I started to do my ariels. I did front and side. While doing my front Ariel, all of the guys came into the living room. "Woah!" Namjoon said. "Oh, I didn't see you all." I told them, the went back and did my side Ariel.

"How can you do that?" Jungkook asked me, "I don't know," I shrugged and told him the truth.

"What else can you do?" Jimin asked me and everyone sat down on the seat. "Well, anything," I said, "How about a...... back flip!?" Jin asked,

I walked back a bit and did it. Everyone was just staring at me. "Wow," They all said.

"Well, I'm going to sleep now," I walked up the stairs and into my bed. Falling asleep as soon as my head it the pillow.

The next day, I went to the dance studio at ten, so everyone was awake. Except for Yoongi of course. I went down stairs. Today I was just wearing my sports bra and a pair of leggings again.

I put my Jack Wills jacket over my sports bra and lifted a bottle of water and the same things as yesterday.

I said goodbye to everyone then left.

I started to practise and was finished for 5. I got home and made dinner then called everyone down. "So," I said as we were eating. "What's everyone been up to?" I asked, "Nothing really," Jin said, "Just sitting around, bored, because we're on a break," He told me,

"You should go out to the cinema or something," I told them, "Mm, we'll think about it." He told me.

I then got a shower and had an early night. I got up and went back to the studio, doing the normal and got back at 7.

"Guys, I'm going to bed early," I told them, "Okay," They said and I walked upstairs.

I couldn't sleep and was only starting to drift off at around 11 until I felt an arm, snake around my waist. I quickly turned around and seen Jimin. "What're you doing?" I whispered, "I couldn't sleep," He said, his eyes still closed.

"And, I heard you tossing and turning and the boys told me to come in and stop you," He finished, "oh," I said and turned with my back facing him.

After a while I turned back around and was facing Jimin. I fell asleep like that and woke up the next morning to my alarm.

"Here we go,"


Thank you for reading!

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