11. Arrived

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I got up early and got ready, then made some breakfast.

I was just setting the table when a tired Ha Na came walking down the stairs, "What're you guys doing here?" She asked me while rubbing her eyes, "Can't I just make breakfast for the people I like?" I asked her with a grin,

"Whatever, weirdo," She then giggled and went and turned the TV on, she sat on Jungkook and he woke up, "GET OFF!" He shouted and Ha Na just laughed. I didn't realise I was glaring at Jungkook until a voice from behind me spoke,

"Jealous?" I turned around and saw Ji Soo smiling at me, "What? Me? Jealous? No, I was just... Squinting because my eyes hurt. You know I've just woke up," I then awkwardly laughed and started to put the pancakes out onto the plates.

"Jimin!" Taehyung and Jungkook whined, "What?" I asked, "Is the breakfast nearly ready?" They asked, "Yes, come and sit, it's ready," I told them while Ji Soo and I took a seat. I was happy when Ha Na took the empty seat beside me.

Everyone began to eat, "Jimin! I didn't know you were so good at cooking," Ha Na told me, her mouth full of pancake, "Aish, don't talk with your mouth full," I told her while shaking my head, "Sorry?" She shrugged and began eating again.

We all just talked about random things until it was time to get ready for school. "Where will we get dressed Ha Na?" Taehyung spoke, "Ji Soo, show them to your room please," She said on her way up the stairs, obviously to get ready.

"Right this way," Ji Soo stood up and showed us to his room, "I guess you can all get ready in here," He shrugged, "Ok, thanks," I smiled at him then he left and closed the door,

The boys and I began to have a talk, "So Jimin, The bad boy, isn't so bad after all," Taehyung grinned at me, "What do you mean?" I asked him, confused,

"Well, you were so rude and bad before Ha Na, and now, you're the happiest person I know," Jungkook butted in, "Well, I don't know, people have an impact you know. I can go back to the way I was before if you'd like that?" I asked them,

"No!" They both shouted, "I mean, I like you better like this. Always seeing you smiling, well, most of the time," Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, "Ok, well I'm getting changed," We then got ready and headed down stairs.

After a while I noticed Ha Na still hadn't came down yet. I went up and knocked on her bedroom door, "Come in!" She announced and I opened the door, "Hey,are you ready to leave?" I asked her,

"Yep, two seconds," She then finished tying her shoe laces then grabbed her phone and back pack. She looked at me then raked her hair through her fingers while shaking it, 'She is so pretty,' I was in a trance when she then snapped her fingers in my face, "Jimin!" She shouted, "Sorry what?" I asked her while starting to blush,

"Ready to go?" She asked, "Oh, yeah, let's go," I then walked out and down the stairs, "Come on," Taehyung, Jungkook and I walked a little bit in front of Ha Na as she was on the phone to Ji Hee, we couldn't help but over hear what she was saying,

"Apparently some guy is coming to stay with us to help us," She said, "Yeah, yes! I know!, I just hope he's nice looking haha!" She laughed, 'Oh he is,' I thought to myself, "Well Ji Hee, I'll see you in school, byee love youuu!" She then ended the call and ran up to us, "Hey guys, you didn't have to walk ahead" She then laughed,

"So, who's staying with you?" I asked trying to sound completely unaware to the fact it was actually me, "I don't have a clue," She said shrugging, "But I hope he's nice looking," She laughed,

"Oh he is," I grinned, "What?" She asked, "Oh nothing," I said and we entered the school gates,


We got into school and I went straight over to Ji Hee, Jin and Suga, "So," I said while approaching them, "Hey," Suga said in his morning voice. It was clear that he just woke up.

The day went by as usual, I got home and made dinner for Ji Soo and I. When we had finished I was doing the dishes until I heard a knock on the door, I dried my hands then answered the door. It was Jimin, but he was standing with two suit cases. I just looked at him confused until he spoke up, "Your new roommate has arrived!"


I went home, today is the day I'm moving in with Ha Na. If it was a month back, I would've literally be doing anything to get out of this but right now, I'm just excited.

"Now Jimin," My appa started, "No funny business, we don't want grandchildren right now," My eyes just widened and I began to blush, "Appa! I don't even like her like that!" I exclaimed, "whatever, have you packed and ready to go?" He asked me,

"Yes," I told him, "Then be on your way,"

After hugging my Appa and Eomma, I got into my car and drove the whole way to Ha Na's house,

I wrapped on the door and after a few seconds she answered, I was too nervous to speak at first but when I did these words left my mouth,

"Your new roommate has arrived!"

'Uh, so cringy Jimin!'


Guys! I really love you all! Never did I think I would get 200 views never mind over 700! I'm so happy that I feel like I could cry! The much support this book is getting is truly amazing, unfortunately I'm sick at the moment so I don't have much inspiration and sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm really sick with the flu or something,


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