16. Hospital

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When we got home we said good night and went into our separate rooms, I told Ji Hee what had just happened,

'WHAT X' The text read,

'He confessed to me, and now, we're a thing x' I texted her back,

'OKAY, THATS AMAZING! I'm going to sleep but, I need to text Jin this, so, Goodnight! X'

I just replied with goodnight and shut my phone off, I got under the covers and fell into a deep sleep.


When I got home, the boys were on a group video call and wanted me to join so I did,

"Jimin, have you got your letter?" Jungkook asked me, "Letter? What for?" I asked, I was confused, "The one about the dance school," I then shook my head,

"No, my mail doesn't come until tomorrow," I told them, "Okay, well, we can all open them together, everyone come to my house and we can do it there, bye guys," Jin then ended off the call resulting in all of us saying goodbye and leaving aswell,

They shouldn't have told me, I'm now lying here, on my bed, not able to sleep thinking of it, 'If I get in, I have to leave Ha Na,' I thought, 'But if I don't, then I miss out on my dream of being an idol,' I was torn,

"I'll just have to wait and see tomorrow," I said to myself then fell asleep,

-Next day-

When I woke up, I ran down the stairs and saw that my letter was there, "Ah, I'm nervous," I said and rang the boys again, luckily, they all answered straight away, "Have you all got your letters now?" I asked, "Yes Jimin, now everyone come over," Jin said, but before everyone left he said one more thing, "Oh Jimin, Congrats on the new relationship," He then smirked and ended the call,

"JIN!" I shouted and wrote a note for Ha Na to see when she wakes up,

Just at Jin's, be back soon, don't miss me too much;)
Jimin xxx

I then set it on the work top and left for Jin's in my car.

When I got there everyone else was arriving aswell, "Jimin! Who's the new girl?" Hoseok asked me, "Ha Na," I said and walked in because Jin was holding the door open for all of us, "WHAT!" They all said and ran after me,

"I'll tell you all later, now, about these letters?" I asked and they all got ready to open them,

We all opened them and at the the same time shouted, "I GOT IN!" We all laughed and then started to talk about it,

"Ah I really can't wait, and it says we go NEXT WEEK! How amazing!" I said and sat down as I had stood up due to my excitement,

"Jimin, you do know that you'll have to break up with Ha Na right? I mean, I have to break up with Ji Hee," He told me, "What! I thought we could keep them as long as they don't visit without permission," I said,

"Nope, the rules changed, read the back of the letter," Namjoon told me,


I couldn't help but be in a bad mood now. As soon as I confess, I have to break up with her, just my luck.

"Ok, ugh, I really don't want to," I said while rubbing my temples, "Do I really have to?" I asked, "Yes," Jin started, "I'm breaking up with Ji Hee today," He added and we all looked at him, "You've been dating for like a month and you all ready seem in love with her," Taehyung said, "Well, she's not hard to fall in love with," Jin shrugged,

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