25. How it's done

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Jungkook and I left for the little cafe Chan Woo told me to go to. It was the one him and I always used to visit. When Jungkook and I got there, I took his hand in mine. "Play along," I whispered to him then we went and sat in front of Chan Woo and

Eun Mi? Why is she here?

Well anyway, we sat down and there was an awkward silence for a while then Jungkook spoke up, "Well?" He said, "Oh, I, well, WE, have something to tell you," Chan Woo then made a hand motion back and forth between him and Eun Mi.

"What is it?" I spat, "Ha Na, we're dating. And we have been for a while. Since the second week BTS left the school, I'm so sorry. I just lost my feelings for you," He told me in an apologetic voice, both, him and Eun Mi, looking at me sorrowfully.

"Oh," Was all I could get out,

"But, you and Jungkook?" He asked me, "What, no, we're not a thing, I was just using him to make you jealous. And make me feel better, but, we've got to go, bye."

I then grabbed Jungkook's and elbow and pulled him up and left the cafe. "Are you okay?" He asked after we'd been walking for a while. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine," I said sarcastically, "How about I treat you, to a shopping trip tomorrow?" He asked, "I can't sorry, I've got to practise my dancing." I told him.

"Oh, maybe another time. How about after your audition?" He offered, "Sure," I shrugged and by this time we were already opening the front door.

"We're back!" Jungkook shouted and I just went upstairs to my room and lay on my bed. There were a few knocks on the door but I ignored them.


I told everyone to come into the living room. Except for Ha Na of course.

"Guess what?" I said, "What?" Everyone said back, "Chan Woo has been cheating on Ha Na," I told them, "You're serious?" Jimin said, "And you'll never guess who he was cheating on her with," I told them and they all leaned in. "Eun Mi," I said and they all started to talk.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Jimin said and got up off of the seat. "Where are you going?" I asked him, "To see if she's okay," He said back, "There's no point, she isn't opening the door to anyone, not even me," I said to him,

"She'll open to me, just see," He then motioned for us to follow him. When we got to the top of the stairs he told us to wait there, he then went and wrapped on her door, "Go away," A voice came from inside.

"Ha Na, it's me, Jimin." Jimin said in a soft voice. I was nearly dying from it, and he isn't even my bias!

Well, after that the door opened. "Yes?" She said, only peaking her head around the door a tiny bit. Jimin then opened his arms like he was about to hug her, but he wasn't close enough so he waited for her to hug him.

I thought 'She's just going to slam the door in his face.' But she didn't. She walked up to him and hugged him. Resting her head in the crook of his neck. He was running circles on her shoulders and playing with her hair for what seemed like ages, but soon let go,

"Are you okay?" He asked her, "No, but I'm feeling better now," She told him. "I'll go and give you some space, remember, my room is only over there," He then point to his bedroom, "If you ever want to talk,"

She then nodded, "I'll keep that in mind," She walked back into her room and he walked back towards the stairs,

While he was passing us, he turned to us and said, "And that's how it's done,"


Thank you all for 6k reads! I really am so thankful!

I'm also very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very sorry for the short chapters, I'm going to try and have another chapter up tonight, but don't get your hopes up!

Thank you so much for reading!

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