18. Goodbye

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When History had ended, I spotted Ha Na leaving the room with Eun Mi. 'I wish I was Eun Mi' I thought to myself but ended up turning around and walking to class behind Ha Na and Eun Mi. I had the guys and Ji Hee walking with me, but I felt lonely.

I think I'm taking the break up worse than her. I then saw Eun Mi and Ha Na laughing at something and I turned to Ji Hee who cleared her throat. She was obviously jealous.

We finally got to class which was Math. Ugh, I hate this class. It's so boring.

The class surprisingly went by fast enough because we were watching a movie. We all then made our way to the table. I was silently hoping that Ha Na would come and sit with us but she didn't, she just walked straight past us with out giving any of us one look.

She was laughing with Eun Mi, Chan Woo and Chol. And what surprised me even more was that, she went and sat at the table with them and all the jocks and dancing team.

She really did find a new group.

Well whatever, there's a party in Wednesday because we have 2 bank holiday days (Thursday and Friday,) So Chan Woo is throwing his annual party, which I will, obviously, not turn down just because of some girl.

People were passing notes about it in class and someone had passed one to me,


It read. At least it's something to look forward to.


The week flew by and now it's Wednesday. I was at Eun Mi's house getting ready. I was wearing a tight red dress and red heels. Eun Mi was wearing a tight Black Dress with White heels. We had our hair done in curls and may I say we look AMAZING,

Well Eun Mi does.

Speaking of Eun Mi, her and I have gotten very close over the past three days. She's already been to my house and, of course because I'm here now, I've been to hers. We then heard a honk from outside and walked downstairs to her eomma and appa. "We are leaving!" She shouted from the door then we both left after getting a "BE CAREFUL!" Screamed all over the house as a reply.

We left and got into Chol's car. Eun Mi sat in the front and I was in the back. We got to Chan Woo's house, as soon as I got in someone handed me a cup of, what smelled like, vodka. But I just smiled at them and took the cup.

But, I then waited until they turned away and set it down on the table beside me. I have no intentions to drink tonight, I have to go home to Ji Soo.

After a while of standing with Eun Mi and a few people from the dance team, I went over to Chan Woo. "Hey," He said sliding his arm around my waist, obviously under the influence of alcohol.

I just smiled at him, but some one had caught my eye.

Or should I say Some People

Over in the other side of the room was Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook, Ji Hee and last, but certainly not least, Jimin.

I looked up to Chan Woo, "Hey, um, I'm just going to go over and see some friends, don't move," I pecked his cheek and left him standing there. I walked over to the group and all eyes were on me. Well, the boys eyes were looking me up and down, but Ji Hee just stood there, shooting me glares.

I only really came over to see Jungkook, yes, I have been talking to him via snapchat and stuff, nothing serious.

"Hey Jungkook," I smiled at him and he smiled back, "Hey," He smiled back and we continued our conversation until Jimin spoke up, "So you're just going to ignore us?" He spat, "That was the plan," I began, "But, I've just spoke to you, so, not anymore." I turned around to him.

But before I could say anything else, I said this, hoping to make Jimin jealous, "Sorry, got to go, Chan Woo is waiting," I gave Jungkook a quick hug then left the little circle.


When she left I shouted at Jungkook, "What the fuck!" I shouted at him, "What?" He asked me, "Why did Ha Na come over to talk to YOU," I made sure the you stood out,

"Because we've been talking," He shrugged his shoulders and I just scoffed at him, "You know we don't like her?" Ji Hee asked Jungkook,

Oh, Ji Hee and Jin are back together. But, they're going to keep their relationship secret so the school doesn't find out, which I wish I had of done with Ha Na. But she has Chan Woo now,

"I know," Jungkook began, "But, you all know I've liked her since the first day she knocked into Jimin," Jungkook told us, "Why didn't I know about this!" I asked everyone, "We knew you'd fight so we didn't tell you," Hoseok told me.

"Ugh, I can't even be bothered fighting," And with that we all turned to look at Ha Na and Chan Woo being all lovey dovey with each other.

After a few more hours we left the party and I headed back to my house.


It's now Friday and our time to leave.

I'm not going to lie, but I'm sad. We're leaving our family and Ji Hee, but it doesn't matter because we've wanted this for so long,

We were at the train station and Ji Hee was saying her last goodbye to Jin.

"I love you," She said as they pulled apart. "Bye," We all then got on the train.

'Bye Ha Na'


I have so much inspiration so get ready for another chapter!

Thank you for reading!

And I will be continuing this book instead of making a book 2!

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